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Software integration aspects for the commissioning of Atlas m spectrometer S. Miscetti et al. (INFN-LNF) LNF –Atlas sw meeting LNF 17-Oct-2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Software integration aspects for the commissioning of Atlas m spectrometer S. Miscetti et al. (INFN-LNF) LNF –Atlas sw meeting LNF 17-Oct-2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software integration aspects for the commissioning of Atlas m spectrometer
S. Miscetti et al. (INFN-LNF) LNF –Atlas sw meeting LNF 17-Oct-2005

2 Commissioning phase with Cosmics in situ
In the next months a lot of activity will be devoted not only to the physical installation of the chambers but also to the “not trivial effort” in: - debugging all hardware a.s.a.p. - defining a standard running time and running types for DAQ in USA15 - debugging acquisition with the first set of final MRODs … - defining a first functioning trigger scheme - defining a first proto-calibration scheme - trying a first offline reconstruction on the data It is nice to say that sector 13 will be (it is ) the first place where we can exercize, learn how to do all of this and make a real step forward for the commissioning of the whole detector. I will just describe here few starting comments of what has been done so far and where we can / should collaborate / integrate with other people. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

3 RC implementation used today …..
In the following I will recall the different places where we can readout the MDT’s (and/or) the RPC’s (at least so far …) At all times, we used the so called ROD crate DAQ developed by E.Pasqualucci which is able to read out many MRODs adding then the missing ROB, ROS and EB formats. The different places we are working on are: SX1 to debug with noise-pulsing the chambers already tested in BB5 i) MDT CSM readout via GOLA card ii) RPC pulsing test under implementation (no gas flowing here) UX5: at the bottom of ATLAS pit. Now fully dedicated to RPC’s USA15: the place where final RODs will be located. It is at the level of the LHC pipe. Here most of the readout boards should converge. For what I have understood the DCS + HV main readout should also go here. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

4 Noise and pulsing tests
Noise runs are easily implemented by 10 kHz free-pulsing with a NIM oscillator. Pulse tests for MDT have been implemented in July 2005 by sending a 3-5 V, 20 ns wide pulse in the HV chain. (1) Best performance seen at 3 V. When using 5 V a lot of x-talk present. (2) Other pulse tests tried at ROMA3 (3) Other pulse tests possible by manipulation of TTC directly at the TDC level. SX1 pulse of kind (1) needed only to check MDT status However tests of dependence on T vs Q possible together with a check of the scale calibration of the TDC. For above reasons and for the possibility of being used in the final setting .. the pulse technique number (3) much more promising to check T0 stability (TO BE TRIED! Implementation possible in SX1, USA15) S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

5 Noise and pulsing tests
From P.Branchini presentation at Roma3 …. In Atlas sara’ possibile utilizzando il sistema TTC e programmando opportunamente lo stream di jtag. In laboratorio a Roma non abbiamo il sistema presente al CERN ed abbiamo un csm0 che consente di programmare i mezzanini utilizzando Jtag ma non distribuisce impulsi ai mezzanini. Di conseguenza a prima vista non sembrerebbe possibile mettere su un sistema di impulsaggio con il daq che c’e’ a Roma3. Quindi lo abbiamo fatto. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

6 Reading out more than a CSM link …
There is a lot of confusions when accessing data for the terminology used. The CSM is the Service Module of the MDT where a TTC fibers goes in input to provide the trigger and an optical fiber of readout transfer the data over threshold from the TDCs. However in the MDT partitioning scheme (ATLAS-DAQ ) there is continuous reference to CSM link number indicating the position in the MROD where the optical readout link of a given CSM is inserted. The MROD itself is identified by the SourceId word. The SourceID in Hexadecimal is divided in 4 fields Reserved Word ModuleType SubDetector ModuleId ModuleType: 0,1,2 identify the ROD, ROB, ROS fragment SubDetector : define Barrel or others (eg 61 = MDT barrel) ModuleID is two (three) bytes ex. 09, 0A .. Identifying the crate and the board Position in the crate. For the moment being we just use the slot position S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

7 Reading out more than a CSM link …
In USA 15 we have readout 3 chambers connected to the same MROD board in three different MROD inputs. By dumping the data we find MRODtype x 6109 The words readout from the different readout links from the CSM are collected as a list with a BOL (Beginning of link) and EOL (end of link) header and trailers. In this way a single CSM (ie an MDT) is selected. For each CSM the TDC words are then stored as a timing list connected to a given TdcId and ChanId. For a given MROD there are from 6 to 8 CSM optical links. For a given CSM link the number of TDC is related to the number of mezzanine cards. In USA 15 we have 2 MRODs with 6 CSM links per board. In total we can read out (at the moment) up to 12 csm links or 12 MDT chambers S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

8 Cosmic running with Scintillators
While the RPC system is still not gas-flushable we have organized a first readout in USA15 by setting a simple coincidence of two scintillators. S1, S2 each of dimensions 0.2x3 m2 Each scintillator is readout by two PMs (A,B). We plateau the PMs in SX1. We make them light-tight and we test the Rates of (S1a * S1b) , (S2a * S2b) and of the 4-fold coincidence when overlapping them along the longitudinal dimension. We measure 100 HZ , 30 HZ for the two-fold , 4-fold coincidence as expected. When in UX5 we measured 30 HZ , 1 HZ for the same configuration. We then set a 125 m long RG58 cable to bring the trigger from UX5 to USA15. We finally correct for the delay by setting the correct timing in the pipeline readout in the mezzanine cards. We took data with cosmics both in the pit or from USA 15 reading out BML1(2)(3)A13. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

9 GNAM vs MDT2ntu … When trying to analyze these data we found that the offline tools existing at BB5 were not sufficient. Indeed also at SX1 we were able to analize with MDThistos by S.Zimmerman only one chamber at the time. We discussed with Fabio/Ludo and all other LNF people how to improve this. The first available and “easy” solution was to use GNAM GNAM is able to read data from memory when RodDaqCRate runs and also to read them from a file using a file_server … The connected MDT-library is already well developed and able to treat everything in the correct way also for the whole detector. However to modify it or add any kind of specific selection is a little bit too complicated and expert oriented. As a first step, we therefore modified the code of MDThistos S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

10 MDT2ntu format S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

11 GNAM spectrum S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

12 MDT2ntu fast analysis… S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

13 MDT2ntu fast analysis… S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

14 MDT2ntu display S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

15 StorageReader implementation
The first scheleton of data interpretation in a stable way w/o the usage of the whole Athena framework has been done by M.Barone by implementing the Storage Reader for MDT. Its advantage will be evident for the debugging period on the whole detector since: 1) It is as flexible as GNAM and can analyze different chambers at the same time. 2) It can be used by simple modification of Root Macros 3) It reads directly the file w/o any need of a file server. Discussion is in progress with Roma 1 people to include in the same way also the routines for the RPC decoding and for monitoring L1 trigger. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

16 Towards athena … It is obvious that an important point will be that of reading out everything with Athena and to be able to create the same Root Tree/Ntuple in this framework. The real advantages will be: - To start working on the calibration algorithms Look also at tracking (Moore) Ev.Display S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

17 Towards Athena + calibration
1 ) The cosmics rate we observe now is not great (0.2 – 2 Hz/m2) but it will be enough to start looking at least to T0,Tmax stability and to get a first rough estimate of the R-T relations. 2 ) Illumination of the whole chamber has to wait for the RPC trigger. 3 ) Discussion with Roma3 people started. - I am trying to organize a meeting during the muon-week of November to start collaborating on this. - I have sent an yesterday to D.Orestano to discuss how to use Calib on these data . The “response” seems to be very positive. Any volounteers? 4 ) Insertion of T0 calibration via pulsing is relevant to decide how much effort needed for the partial event reconstruction on ROI selection at L2 (E.Pasqualucci). S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

18 Tracking ? MOORE tracking with cosmics is slightly problematic since the TDC stops (ie the trigger) is not phased-locked with the machine clock (25 ns of additional jitter). This should be an interesting effect to analyze when the final trigger will be in place. A good review of the tracking status with cosmics has been done by C.Guyot at the software meeting. The Timing-effect will be tested with real data vs simulation in the coming months. The effect of this and of the rough calibration on HLT triggering has to be evaluated. We are in contact with HLT people to organize a strategy to DEFINE how to use TrigMoore for the cosmics muon trigger for data taking of the whole spectrometer. S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

19 Overall readout and software scheme ??
links L1 trigger MDT HV RODS L2trigger Fee + Mezzaninemapping StorageReader EVB Emulator Or Final Partial EB At L2 Calibration Geometry Mapping HLT Athena Calibration Stream S.MISCETTI LNF Atlas sw meeting

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