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OCTOBER 14, 2016 You need 5 highlighters (any color), pencil, and notebook Get out Golden Age of Islam chart West African Kingdoms Last Day for Test Corrections!

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 14, 2016 You need 5 highlighters (any color), pencil, and notebook Get out Golden Age of Islam chart West African Kingdoms Last Day for Test Corrections!"— Presentation transcript:

1 OCTOBER 14, 2016 You need 5 highlighters (any color), pencil, and notebook Get out Golden Age of Islam chart West African Kingdoms Last Day for Test Corrections! HW: Vocab & Textbook notes due Tuesday TEST TUESDAY!

2 Islamic Empire and Expansion into Africa
Islam established in these regions 3 ways Conquest (earliest phase) Trade (middle men- location, location, location) Missionaries (Africa)


4 Kingdoms of West Africa
Ghana- 800s Sahara No access to sea Gold/Salt trade Maintain trade routes by force; enslaved opponents

5 Kingdoms of West Africa
Mali-1230s Expand to Atlantic Ocean Mansa Musa taps into gold/salt trade Muslim-Hajj Artists and architects Schools and libraries Timbuktu On Europe’s maps for 1st time! Ibn Battuta (1352) Muslim traveler 27 years Journal


7 Gold/Salt Trade

8 Kingdoms of West Africa
Songhai-1460s Centered on Niger River Collapse- no modern weapons Invaded by Moroccans from north

9 Swahili Coast- East Africa
Heavy trade on east coast Indian Ocean monsoons Trade network linking Middle East to Africa Luxury items from China and India sold in exchange for raw materials from Africa (including slaves) Coastal city states blended influences Ex: Swahili= Bantu & Arabic Islam gained hold along the coast and mosques appeared in the cities along with other cultural influences


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