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Opening Prayer Test With Your Parents. Opening Prayer Test With Your Parents.

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2 Opening Prayer Test With Your Parents

3 Session

4 Vocabulary trust in a person or thing Holy
confidence trust in a person or thing hallowed Holy idolatry Putting something other than God first

5 Vocabulary a heart to heart talk with God dishonored
prayer a heart to heart talk with God profaned dishonored petition request; ask for something supplication


7 He commands and invites us to pray talking with God
193 What command and privilege does God give to believers? He commands and invites us to pray 194 What is prayer? talking with God 195 To whom should we pray? Only the True God, Triune God

8 Only those from believers in Jesus
196 What prayers are acceptable to God? Only those from believers in Jesus 197 What should be in our prayers? A-C-T-S 198 How should we pray? (3) In Jesus' name with confidence according to God's will

9 Everyone except those who are dead
* What does it mean to pray "in Jesus' name?" with faith in Jesus 200 How does God answer prayer? (3) yes, no, wait 201 For whom should we pray? Everyone except those who are dead 202 Where should we pray? everywhere

10 all the time; continually Introduction Conclusion 7 petitions
203 When should we pray? all the time; continually * How is the Lord's Prayer divided Introduction Conclusion 7 petitions 205 What should you think of when you say "Our Father?" we should not be afraid to ask Him anything

11 Memory Psalm 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me.

12 Memory The Introduction Our Father who art in heaven. What does this mean? With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.

13 With Your Parents Use the copy of Luther’s Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer (pages 32-33) with your parents this week. Ask you parents about their prayer habits. Use questions like ...Do you have set times in the day when you pray? Do you pray in public? Do you pray with others?


15 Closing Prayer

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