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Remember to use the Lagan History website to revise

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1 Remember to use the Lagan History website to revise
TOPIC Key areas to cover Tick the boxes when covered KEY FACTS The first part of the exam will be a section to test your key facts for Year 9 History. This will include key DATES; EVENTS and NAMES that you have studied this year THE GUNPOWDER PLOT Why did the plotters want to kill King James I ? How did the plotters plan to kill the King and seize power? What went wrong with the plan? Why did the Kings advisors wait so long before stopping the plot? HOW DID THE ENGLISH TRY TO CONTROL IRELAND? Why did England want to control Ireland ? How did Henry VIII try to take over in Ireland? Success? How did Elizabeth try to control Ireland? What do we mean by the term Plantation? What was the Ulster Plantation and was it successful? What happened in the 1641 Rebellion? CROMWELL Why did Cromwell come to Ireland ? What happened at the Siege of Drogheda? Does Cromwell deserve his title ‘the Curse of Ireland?’ WILLIAMITE WARS IN IRELAND Why did Parliament replace King James II with King William of Orange ? Why did James II come to Ireland ? Why was the Siege of Derry so unsuccessful for James? What unusual food did those in Derry have to eat? How did William win the Battle of the Boyne? How was William better prepared than James? What was the mistake James made in the battle? NATIVE AMERICANS Why were the Native Americans once called ‘indians’ ? What were Native Americans; beliefs and practices? What did the Medicine man do for the tribe ? What were two ways of meeting your Spirit Friend? What was the Sundance? You need to know the lifestyle of one native American tribe How did the native Americans fight battles? Remember to use the Lagan History website to revise PASSWORD: lagan1981

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