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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP FOR CPA FIRMS IN 2011 By: Andrew Spottswood."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Introduction Lived in Redmond since 2009, from TN University of TN, Knoxville Kat, Griffin (3yrs), and Elliot (6mos) Technology Consulting for 10+ years. –Cisco, EMC, and Business Continuity Certifications TROI started in 2004 - LeMaster Daniels Inland Imaging merger - December 2010

3 3 Agenda 1. Why have an IT Roadmap? 2. Roadmap Overview 3. Build Your Own Technology Roadmap - Step by Step Process 4. TROI Propaganda

4 4 Why do we need an IT Roadmap? Chief Causes of Lost Data (in order) are: equipment failure, accidental deletion, employee security, external security breach, viruses, and disasters. – Gartner Research Computer systems fail on an average of nine times per year, with an average of four hours downtime per failure. – The Disaster Recovery Journal, Business Impact Analysis, 2009 40% of SMBs that manage their own network security and use the Internet for more than email will experience a successful Internet hack. More than 50% will not know they were attacked. – Gartner Group

5 5 BEFORE Filing cabinets Ledger sheets Dictaphones Fax machines Message call pad Adding machines Carbon sheets Typewriters NOW Servers/Networks Practice Management/Billing Digital recordings Email/E-discovery Voice-over-IP Laptops Copiers Smart Phones Why do we need an IT Roadmap? We used to work that way?

6 6 IT Roadmap Overview Customized, Prioritized Business driven short and long-term plans Technology Best Practices Strategic Drivers: –Cost –Efficiency –Reliability –Business Continuity –Collaboration Living Document

7 7 Build Your Own Roadmap 1. Technology Committee 2. Foundational Technology Goals/Best Practices 3. Documentation 4. Technology Requirements 5. Technology Opportunities 6. Budgeting 7. Meet Regularly

8 8 1. Technology Committee A group, not just IT and/or Administrator Representatives from each Department –Tax, Audit, Quickbooks, Business, Operations, Shareholder, etc Bring perspective from each department and software platform - power users Build and Update Plan together

9 9 2. Technology IT Goals/Best Practices Equipment and Software –Longevity –ROI Implementation –Planning –Communication –Minimal Downtime Management –Efficiency –ROI –Business Intelligence Collaboration –Security –Speed What is important to the business?

10 10 3. Documentation Inventory –Servers –Network Equipment –PCs/Laptops –Printers –Phones – Mobile+Office Visio Diagrams Passwords Software Maintenance Vendor Maintenance Business Continuity Plan

11 11 4. Technology Requirements Necessary Upgrades Prioritization of required upgrades throughout the office Technology Committee Recommendations Examples –PCs, Toner, Software Maintenance, etc

12 12 5. Technology Opportunities Business Goals Current view from Clients, Employees Technology Committee Recommendations Examples –Remote Access, Disaster Recovery Plan, Paperless, Client Portal, More Efficient Workflows How can we leverage IT to support our business?

13 13 6. Budgeting Prioritize Technology Road Map Add Costs for each Hard and soft cost Compare your IT spending to peers Build ROI for initiatives –Do some pay for themselves overtime?

14 14 7. Meet Regularly Commit to a schedule to meet regularly (monthly or quarterly) Decisions made about Technology Road Map in meeting – give it purpose Update documentation as a prerequisite

15 15 TROI Business Model What makes TROI different? Business First, Technology Second Technology is a Business Strategy Our People Service Delivery Specialization Teams: –Accounting –Medical –Professional Services/Other

16 16 TROI Business Model Consulting Services Strategic Planning – Virtual CIO Technology Assessment + Total Cost of Ownership Project Based Engineering Business Process Re-engineering 24/7 Managed & Hosted Services Hosted – TROI owned Hardware, software, applications, service delivery Managed – Client owned Service delivery

17 17 CPA Specialization Technology Specific Expertise –Infrastructure Security Remote Access –Systems Microsoft Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity The Cloud Application Specific Expertise –CCH (ProSystems, Research, etc.) –Thomson (Engagement, GoFileRoom, etc.) –Intuit (QB, ProSeries, Lacerte, etc.) –CaseWare Project Management –Project Managers Strategic Planning –Account Manager –Virtual CIO TROI Support Team TROI has an in-depth understanding of a CPA firms billable hours, efficient work flows, and meeting deadlines.

18 18 Questions? Andrew Spottswood (425) 216-2727

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