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Integrating Health and Wellness with the

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1 Integrating Health and Wellness with the
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)  

2 Nancy Katz, MS, RDN Director of School Partnerships Alliance for a Healthier Generation

3 Session Objectives Participants will gain an understanding of opportunities to support the whole child through implementation of ESSA Participants will become knowledgeable about resources to support their states and districts in incorporating health and wellness during ESSA implementation Participants will gain skills in advocating for the inclusion of health and wellness in ESSA-required needs assessments and school improvement plans

4 The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model
Places the child at the center Takes a comprehensive approach to supporting learning and health Calls for greater collaboration across sectors Educators are familiar with WSCC Connected to funding streams (ESSA) Aligns with USDA Wellness Policy requirements

5 Obesity and Academic Outcomes
Improper nutrition and inadequate physical activity related to obesity in children and poor academic outcomes Relationship between obesity and low self esteem, which negatively impacts to academic outcomes Obesity-related illness (diabetes, asthma) lead to absences, and obese children have a high prevalence of absences Students of low socioeconomic status have higher rates of obesity, and higher likelihood of poor academic outcomes (and often attend low performing schools) Nancy

6 Every Student Succeeds Act
Reauthorization of the 50-year old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (also called No Child Left Behind or NCLB) Sets high standards and contains policies that will help to prepare all students for success in college and future careers (equity) More control at state level New opportunities to integrate health and wellness into education policy and practice Nancy

7 Opportunities for Health and Wellness Under ESSA
Accountability Systems State Report Cards Professional Development Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (SSAEG) Needs Assessments and School Improvement Plans Nancy

8 Accountability Systems
A set of indicators that are used to determine school performance Overall school and individual subgroups of students must meet benchmarks Schools/student groups not meeting benchmarks designated as needing improvement LEAs must designate resources to improving outcomes for these schools/student groups Indicator of school quality or student success Nancy

9 Accountability Metrics
Chronic Absenteeism 36 states and DC Access to PE KY, MD, GA, MI and LA Physical Fitness CT, VT, ND School Climate IA, ID, IL, MD, NM and NV Nancy

10 What is Chronic Absenteeism?
Often defined as missing 10 percent or more of school days for any reason: excused, unexcused, or suspension (Attendance Works, OCR) Definitions vary by state Chronic absenteeism is a proven early warning sign of academic risk and school dropout Research shows that student health (obesity) and a school’s health and wellness environment are key factors that can contribute to a student being chronically absent Nancy

11 State Report Cards Must be widely disseminated to the public in a format and language that parents can understand. States can choose to provide measures such as health and wellness measures as a form of public accountability (in addition to required measures) Nancy

12 Professional Development
SEAs may use these funds to provide high-quality professional development for all school staff, including health and physical education teachers, and specialized instructional support personnel (school nurses, school psychologists, etc). This funding can be used to provide training to all teachers and school staff on supporting student health and wellness. Nancy

13 SSAEGs Title IV, Part A Formula grant
Any school district receiving more than $30,000 from this grant program must conduct a needs assessment At least 20% of this funding must be appropriated to improving the safety and health of students and at least 20% must be allocated to providing a well-rounded education Nancy

14 Needs Assessments and the Whole Child
Understand root causes of poor academic performance Need to consider physical and mental health, hunger, housing stability, safety, and many other factors Schools can utilize their HSP assessment data as part of the process Nancy

15 School Improvement Plans
Strategic plan Addresses the deficiencies identified by the needs assessment Incorporates evidence-based practices Should align with Local Wellness Policy Opportunity to address all of the factors that are impeding academic performance Ex) school breakfast program Nancy

16 ESSA Timeline Though each state will create their own process, a typical timeline might look like:  school year: collect data used for initial accountability system ratings Fall 2018: publish a graded or ranked list of schools, based on their accountability system performance Winter 2019: work with schools to conduct needs assessments and develop a SIP school year: work with schools to implement the SIP Fall 2021: publish the next graded or ranked list of schools, based on their accountability system performance  Nancy

17 Opportunities to Engage
Discuss ESSA implementation with state and local education agency staff, state and local Board of Education Members Health advocates/coalitions Local Wellness Committees (district or school level) Role in needs assessments Keeper of health and wellness data Annessa

18 Data Sources Alliance for a Healthier Generation Healthy Schools Program and Healthy Out-of-School Time Program assessments CDC School Health Index (SHI) USDA Administrative Reviews NSLP/NSBP participation rates LWP implementation (federal) School nurse/psychologist/social worker (#/reasons for visits) School climate surveys BMI data Annessa

19 Helpful Resources ESSA FAQ
Using Needs Assessments to Connect Learning + Health: Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Webinar Framework for Action: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism through ESSA Implementation A Guide for Incorporating Health and Wellness Into School Improvement Plans (NACDD) CDC’s Virtual Healthy School Putting Local School Wellness Policy into Action (CDC) Annessa

20 References Basch CE. Healthier Students are Better Learners: A Missing Link in the School Reforms to Close the Achievement Gap. J Sch Health ; 81: Carey FR, Singh GK, Brown III HS, Wilkinson AV. Educational outcomes associated with childhood obesity in the United States: cross sectional results from the National Survey of Children’s Health. Intl J Behav Nutr and Phys Act. 2012;12(Suppl):53. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health and Academic Achievement. Available at academic-achievement.pdf

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