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Staying Safe.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Safe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Safe

2 Lesson Objectives: To identify possible dangers when: at College
out socialising on Public transport at home To consider and document actions and approaches which will reduce the identified dangers

3 Activity 1: What dangers do you face?
Think about some of the dangers you face on a regular basis: Think about: College Home Transport Shopping Socialising Use the activity 1 dangers worksheet to record your answers

4 Feedback, College dangers:
Bullying Car park incidents (motor bikes & cars being driven dangerously) Add further group feedback here

5 Video Clips Dangers of drink spiking Bullying through the age range Dangerous driving (very disturbing clip)

6 Activity 2: Ways of reducing the dangers
Choose 3 of the identified dangers and create some strategies to reduce the chances of you coming to harm. Example: Danger: college accident Reduce the danger by: wearing the correct PPE, Know the risk assessment for every area you work in Use the ‘Reducing the dangers’ handout to record your strategies

7 Who you can talk to? Student Services Your tutor
A member of your family Friend /phone help lines …. Zoe Administrator Kathryn Welfare Co-ordinator Greer Hill Head of Student Services Faye Student Adviser Kelly Guidance Adviser

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