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A2 Revision OCR Options module Mammalian Physiology and Behaviour

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1 A2 Revision OCR Options module Mammalian Physiology and Behaviour

2 Learning Outcomes explain, with reference to their biological significance, what is meant by innate behaviour, instinct and reflex action. describe one example of a reflex action. explain that some behaviour can be interpreted in terms of stereotyped, automatic responses, and that these can be modified by environmental stimuli. behaviour A2 MPB Revision

3 Learning Outcomes outline the methods and conclusions of the classic experiments to investigate the nature of learned behaviour, with reference to the work of Pavlov on classical conditioning, the work of Skinner on operant conditioning the work of Kohler on intelligent behaviour in chimpanzees (insight learning) behaviour A2 MPB Revision

4 Introduction to behaviour
The way organisms respond to the environment, which enables them to survive and seek out favourable environments. Innate – instinctive, automatic trigger Learned – memory retains information and modifies response behaviour A2 MPB Revision

5 Glossary Ethology Psychology Behaviouralism Study of behaviour
Natural behaviour of animals in their natural environment Psychology Controlled conditions in a lab Interested in how animals learned new patterns of behaviour Behaviouralism Study of behavioural events involving stimuli and response behaviour A2 MPB Revision

6 “experiences during lifetime”
Nature vs Nurture “genes” ethologists “experiences during lifetime” Psychologists behaviouralists behaviour A2 MPB Revision

7 Innate behaviour (instinctive)
“Pattern of inherited, pre-set behaviour that does not require learning or practice” Examples Sign stimulus – digger wasp Dragon fly Nymph crawls out pond, Drags itself up plant stem Attaches feet firmly, hangs on as skin splits As emerges, hangs downwards, twists upwards and grabs stem, rest as wings expand and dry. behaviour A2 MPB Revision

8 Reflex action “a relatively rapid, automatic response to a stimulus”
A reflex arc Stretch stimulus Receptor detects stimulus Action potentials along sensory neurone Motor neurone carries action potential to effector Effector brings about response (muscle contraction) behaviour A2 MPB Revision

9 Stereotyped behaviour
Innate behaviour is often characterised as being stereotyped. Examples Female ichneumon fly and choice of caterpillars Chicks of laughing gulls behaviour A2 MPB Revision

10 Learned Behaviour “behaviour which is acquired and modified in response to experience” Habituation Learn to ignore stimuli because it is not followed by reward or punishment Associative learning Association of two or more stimuli Conditioned reflex (Pavlov), operant conditioning (skinner) behaviour A2 MPB Revision

11 Learned behaviour Latent learning Imprinting
Store information while exploring the environment, and uses it sometime later Examples – insight learning (Kohler) Imprinting Fixed and not easily adapted E.g. Lorenz and newly hatched geese behaviour A2 MPB Revision

12 Classical Conditioning
An example of associative learning is Pavlov’s dogs Features of a conditioned reflex Association of two stimuli presented together A temporary condition Response is involuntary It is reinforced by repetition Removal of cerebral cortex causes loss of response behaviour A2 MPB Revision

13 Pavlov’s dogs Dogs associate sound of the bell with the arrival of food. Unconditioned stimulus Taste or smell of food Conditioned stimulus New stimulus (sound of bell) that dog associates with food Conditioned reflex Whole reflex in response to the new stimulus behaviour A2 MPB Revision

14 Operant Conditioning Animal learns to carry out a behaviour that makes something good happen Pavlov’s dogs learned more than intended Skinner Skinner Box – a cage containing a bar or a key Animals associated behaviour with a reward or to avoid something unpleasant behaviour A2 MPB Revision

15 Adaptive value of conditioning
Associative learning is where behaviour changes so that the reinforcer is achieved more often Learning A process which manifests itself by adaptive changes in individual behaviour as a result of experience Example – a young bird “learns” to avoid yellow and black following an unpleasant experience. behaviour A2 MPB Revision

16 Insight Learning Kohler, “the mentality of apes”
Results of experiments indicates relatively “intelligent” animals Show Inspiration Reasoning in animals brains Work out how a pattern of behaviour might solve a problem Similar to human problem solving behaviour A2 MPB Revision

17 Insight Learning Problems Experiments can not be repeated
Amusing “anecdotes” Was it by chance behaviour A2 MPB Revision

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