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Model United Nations.

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1 Model United Nations

2 United Nations Founded in 1945 after WW2
Promote international cooperation Original UN had 51 states today 193 The UN's mission to preserve world peace was complicated in its early decades by the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union and their respective allies. participated in major actions in Korea and the Congo

3 Parts of the UN General Assembly-1 country 1 vote
DISEC-First committee-promote disarmament SOCHU-Social Human ECOSOC-Econ Develop WHO-World Health Security Council- maintain peace and security 5 permanent members US-UK-France-Russia-China Blue-African States Green- Asia Pacific Red- East Europe Pink- Latin America-Carb Yellow- Western Europe and other states No Group-NGA

4 Model UN Started in 1950’s- Harvard
Simulate the real UN-educate/compete Learn about real world diplomacy Involves-reading-researching-debating-writing Administrators-Dais Decorum-Roberts Rules of Order Position Paper-key to success at MUN

5 Position Papers Brief statement of country’s positions
Concise (usually a page, double-spaced) Intro Topic 1 problem, effects, previous actions taken by country Suggested solutions Topic 2 Topic 3

6 Roll Call Setting the Agenda Debate Close of Debate Voting Procedures
Flow of Debate Placard Roll Call Setting the Agenda Debate Close of Debate Voting Procedures

7 Types of Debate Formal Debate Chair chooses a speakers list
Delegates may only be on the speakers list once Informal Debate Moderated Caucus Chair calls on delegates one-by-one Unmoderated Caucus Temporary recess Formal Debate and Mod’s use short speeches used to state countries’ positions, suggest recommendations, rally people to your cause, etc.

8 Working Paper Draft Resolution Resolution Paper
Resolution Writing Working Paper Draft Resolution Resolution Paper

9 Three Parts Heading Preambulatory Clauses Position Clauses
Operative Clauses Action Clauses

10 Heading Resolution number Resolution GA/3/1.1
General Assembly Third Committee Sponsors: United States, Austria and Italy Signatories: Greece, Tajikistan, Japan, Canada, Mali, the Netherlands and Gabon Topic: “Strengthening UN coordination of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies” Committee name Sponsors Signatories Topic being addressed

11 Preambulatory Clauses
The General Assembly, Reminding all nations of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equality, and inalienable rights of all global citizens, Reaffirming its Resolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, which encourages Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the coordination and effectiveness of humanitarian assistance, Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and Nongovernmental organizations, Stressing the fact that the United Nations faces significant financial obstacles and is in need of reform, particularly in the humanitarian realm, Verbs 1st word underlined or italicized Use commas to separate

12 Operative Clauses Verbs Use semicolons to separate End with a period
1. Encourages all relevant agencies of the United Nations to collaborate more closely with countries at the grassroots level to enhance the carrying out of relief efforts; 2. Urges member states to comply with the goals of the UN department of Humanitarian Affairs to streamline the efforts of humanitarian aid; 3. Requests that all nations develop rapid deployment forces to better enhance the coordination of relief efforts of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies; 4. Calls for the development of a United Nations Trust Fund that encourages voluntary donations from the private transnational sector to aid in funding the implementation of rapid deployment forces; 5. Stresses the continuing need for impartial and objective information in the political, economic, and social situations and events of all countries; 6. Calls upon states to respond quickly and generously to consolidated appeals for humanitarian assistance; and 7. Requests the expansion of preventive actions and assurance of post-conflict assistance through reconstruction and development. Use semicolons to separate End with a period

13 Amendments Friendly Amendments Unfriendly Amendments
All sponsors agree Once approved by the dais, it automatically becomes part of the resolution Unfriendly Amendments All sponsors do not agree Must have signature of a set number (1/5) Must be approved by the dais before formally introduced Voted upon

14 Voting Procedures Amendments Resolutions Next topic

15 Basic MUN Rules of Procedure
Set the speakers time Open/close the speakers list Suspend debate Adjourn meeting Adjourn debate (motion to table debate) Close debate Point of order Point of inquiry (parliamentary procedure) Simple majority Simple 2/3 majority Decision of chairperson No vote

16 Basic MUN Rules of Procedure
Point of personal privilege Point of information Appeal to the chair’s decision No vote Decision of chairperson 2/3 majority

17 Western Business Attire
Men Women Suits Collared/Button-down shirts with a tie Slacks in dark colors Loafers or other types of dress shoes No T-shirts No jeans/shorts No sneakers/open-toed sandals Suits Blouse/Sweater/Button-down Appropriate Dresses Skirts with pantyhose/stockings Heels or flats No T-shirts No jeans/shorts No sneakers/open-toed sandals

18 Tips Network Stay calm Negotiate Find members in your regional bloc
Actively participate

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