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Business Campaign Toolkit

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1 Business Campaign Toolkit
What is Get Wrapped Up in North Wales and how can you get involved?

2 What is it? Get Wrapped Up is a destination marketing campaign to encourage people to visit North Wales. The campaign goes live during October 2018 and will run until the end of March 2019, to drive people to visit North Wales during the winter months. The project is run by Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) on behalf of the Destination Management Partnerships of Conwy, Gwynedd, Isle of Anglesey (IACC) and North East Wales (NEW) - comprising Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham and is funded by the Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF). The marketing contract has been awarded to Orchard Media & Events Group.

3 Why? North Wales is a unique. It was named one of the best places to visit IN THE WORLD by Lonely Planet… Many tourists are aware of what’s on offer during the summer months. We want to bust the ‘summer only’ myth and make sure that people know the amazing things that’s on offer for tourists across North Wales during the winter, too. There’s a lot of hidden gems and unique experiences, making it a perfect place to day-trip or holiday this winter.


5 How to get involved? Play your part in the campaign and show your support for tourism in North Wales. It’s easy! We’re asking businesses large and small across North Wales to get involved by using the hashtag on your current and planned social media. We’ve also supplied you a template tweet and social media banners so that you can ‘brand’ your platform too, if you wish.

6 Hints and tips Upload the campaign banner to your social media platforms between October 2018 and March 2019; Use the campaign hashtag #DarganfodyGogledd #DiscoverNorthWales on all your social media posts to tag on to the campaign; Tell tourists why your business is worth visiting this winter! Do you have exciting offers? Do you offer unique experiences or products? Shout about it on social media… and don’t forget to use the hashtag; Join the local conversation on 12 November 2019! We’re asking business in North Wales to get on their social media on the 12th November to sell their activity/product to the tourism world. Here’s an idea: “Discover [input your business name] this winter for [input your winter offer, product or experience and website link] Do winter the North Wales way this year #DiscoverNorthWales” We’re also conducting workshops across North Wales during the winter to get your input and feedback- we’d love to see you there! We’ll be in touch with the dates and details shortly…

7 Reasons to get involved
Get Wrapped Up in North Wales is promoted to tourists across Wales, the UK and beyond. This means great exposure for your business! (don’t forget to use the hashtag - that’s the way that we pick up your posts) We’re running a radio campaign with Smooth Radio, as well as using the Manchester Evening News to help us promote North Wales to the people of Manchester. By using the #DiscoverNorthWales hashtag in your social media, your posts could be shared by the media, hitting over 1million listeners and readers. We’re promoting the campaign to travel journalists across the UK to encourage them to take their next press trip in North Wales- make sure you’re part of the campaign for a chance to be featured in national press! The #DiscoverNorthWales hashtag will be used for this campaign as well as linking into the Visit Wales’ ‘Year of Discovery’ in 2019.

8 The Hashtag #DarganfodyGogledd / #DiscoverNorthWales

9 Keywords Unmissable, Adventure, Magical, Explore, Unforgettable, Unique, Exciting, Discover, Be inspired, The North Wales Way.

10 Campaign key messages Discover unmissable adventure, magical scenery and unique experiences - do your winter the North Wales way. Your perfect getaway is closer than you think… search #DiscoverNorthWales for winter inspiration. Get wrapped up in North Wales. From Christmas activities, to outdoor (and indoor!) adventure, delicious food & drink, beautiful accommodation and festivals and shows for all the family. Looking for the perfect place for a half-term/Christmas/New Year getaway? There’s so much for you to discover. From dare-devil adventure to delicious food and drink and stunning scenery. Try your next break the North Wales way.

11 Campaign assets for businesses to use
Bilingual social media headers/banners are available for you to use on your social platforms if you wish, as well as a timeline graphic in .jpeg format.


13 We want to encourage as many people to Discover North Wales this winter as possible! With your help, we can push the message out far and wide. Thank you Contacts Get in touch with the Tourism team at your local authority for more information on this campaign. You can also contact Jess Magness - Orchard Media & Events on / +44 (0)

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