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Today’s Objectives Understand the functions of the endocrine system & how it impacts psychology intro discussion, word document diagram, matching game,

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Objectives Understand the functions of the endocrine system & how it impacts psychology intro discussion, word document diagram, matching game,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Objectives Understand the functions of the endocrine system & how it impacts psychology intro discussion, word document diagram, matching game, 10/29 Bell Ringer Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in your endocrine system. Think of a time you have experienced an “adrenaline rush” or know of someone who has done great things b/c of adrenaline, explain the situation.

2 Endocrine System A set of glands that produces hormones

3 Glands & Hormones Glands secrete hormones!
Hormones- Chemical messengers that circulate throughout the body in the blood. Similar to Neurons Both carry messages Both communicate by locking into receptor sites

4 Pituitary gland Endocrine system’s “master gland”
Works with the brain to control the other glands in the endocrine system Located at the base of the brain & connects with hypothalamus to regulate glucose & insulin Example of its work: Hunger & physical growth

5 Thyroid gland Located in the neck
Helps regulate energy level & metabolism

6 Adrenal glands Sit on top of kidneys
Release epinephrine (adrenaline) or nor epinephrine (nor adrenaline) Enhance strength & endurance in emergency situations.

7 Sex Glands females= ovaries, produces estrogen
males= testes, produces testosterone But both males & females have both hormones in their bodies These hormones influence emotion and physical development

8 Word Document Diagram Open a word document. Click on Insert. Go down to Diagram. And click on the first box & OK. In the top box instruct them to type Endocrine System & their name. They should get their info from pg If they can’t find it in the book they are to search the internet. There should then be 5 boxes below the title (to insert more boxes click on one of the boxes below. Then click on the arrow to the right of the insert shape icon on the toolbox at the top of the document and click on coworker). Students will describe function of the Thyroid gland, Pituitary gland, Adrenal gland, Pancreas, and Testes and Ovaries (Testes and Ovaries in the same box) Then insert a box below each gland for the hormones they secrete & their description. (to insert these boxes click on the box you want to have a box under. Then click on the arrow to the right of the insert shape icon on the toolbox at the top of the document and click on subordinate) When they are done they can print it to the library lab 5 or 6 and turn it in with notes at the end of the chapter.

9 Quick Matching Game At the end have students go to and find the location for the different glands.

10 Today’s Objectives Any questions?
Understand the functions of the nervous system & how it impacts psychology notes, video clip, matching game Any questions?

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