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Reminders Notebooks due today! Revisions tomorrow 6/7 due Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders Notebooks due today! Revisions tomorrow 6/7 due Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders Notebooks due today! Revisions tomorrow 6/7 due Friday

2 Period 3: 1754 – 1800

3 Periodization 1754 – Beginning of the French and Indian War Election of Thomas Jefferson – Jefferson Revolution, first election that brought a new party into office

4 “The Great War for Empire”
The French & Indian War (1756 to 1763) “The Great War for Empire”

5 Why was the French and Indian War a “turning point” in British-colonial relationships?

6 North America in 1750

7 North America in 1763

8 French and Indian War Causes:
Expansion of British colonists into the interior of North America (Ohio Valley); conflict over land Iroquois allied with the British, most other Natives allied with French Also known as the Seven Years’ War

9 1757  William Pitt Becomes Foreign Minister
Turning point in the war – William Pitt He understood colonial concerns. Acquired better treatment for colonial soldiers from Parliament RESULTS?  Colonial moral increased by 1758 and GB begins winning in the war

10 1763  Treaty of Paris France --> Kicked out of North America!
Spain --> given much of French land – NOT a threat to the British – Spanish Empire is past its prime, weak England --> WINNERS! got all French lands in Canada, exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and commercial dominance in India.

11 North America in 1750

12 North America in 1763

13 Effects of the War on Britain?
1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas. 2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. Britain felt the colonists should help pay for the war, which was fought to protect them! Therefore, England felt that a major reorganization of her American Empire was necessary!

14 Effects of the War on the American Colonials
1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time (France) 2. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify.

15 1754  Albany Plan of Union - Ben Franklin wrote to encourage colonists to unite against Native Americans and the French - This image was later used as a symbol in the American Revolution and a call to united against the British

16 Warm up #8 Crash Course!

17 North America in 1750

18 North America in 1763

19 1763: Pontiac’s Rebellion - British colonists poured into former French Lands - Natives worked well with French; dislike new British presence (and the small-pox blankets…)

20 Proclamation of 1763 Line created by the British to prevent more conflict with the Natives (War is expensive!) Bans colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains First of many new attempts by England too control the colonists

21 Summary of French and Indian WAR
-FIW is a turning point because it leads directly to the American Revolution -England ends its policy of ‘salutary neglect’ after the war and begins to impose regulations and taxes on the colonies to pay for the war, prevent another war, and increase profitability of the colonies

22 New British Laws and Policies
- Sugar Act – 1764 - Currency Act -1764 - Quartering Act – 1765 - Stamp Act – 1765 Townshend Acts – 1767 Sparked riots against customs agents; 4,000 British troops sent to Boston to keep the peace - Tea Act – 1773 Intolerable Acts (1774) (AKA Coercive Acts) ….Salutary Neglect is out, British intervention is in. Colonists are ANGRY at these taxes and laws and it leads to the American Revolution

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