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Trade SWAp Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade SWAp Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade SWAp Framework

2 What is a Trade SWAp ? A mechanism to coordinate and plan resources of the Cambodian Government, under the Ministry of Commerce’s leadership, Cambodian stakeholders and Development Partners around a Single Trade Strategy (DTIS 2007) and a limited set of shared objectives (the three Trade SWAp “pillars”) in order to develop Cambodia’s trade sector.

3 Private Sector Development Steering Committee (PSD-SC)
Chairman: Deputy PM KEAT Chhon Vice Chairman: Sr. Minister CHAM Prasidh Sub-Steering Committee On Investment Climate And Private Participation In Infrastructure (PPI-SSC) Ministry of Economics & Finance On Trade Development & Trade-related Investments (TD&TRI-SSC) Ministry of Commerce On Small and Medium Enterprises (SME-SCC) Minister SUY Sem Ministry of Industry, Mines & Energy

4 RGC-Private Sector Forum GDCC/CRDB
Development Partners Committee Steering Committee on Private Sector Development Coordination, Alignment, Harmonization S/SC on IC& PPI S/SC on SME Coordination Line Ministries Sub-Steering Committee for Trade Development and Trade-Related Investment (Chaired by Senior Minister, MoC) CAR Coordination CARD Inter-Min Committee: Agro Export Seconded Staff from line Ministries Secretary of State in charge of implementing Trade Development Strategy (Chair of Implementation Committee) Supreme National Economic Council CARDI IC or NIU: Secretariat, MoC’s Department of International Cooperation Report to Secretary of States CAR: Council for Administrative Reform PPI: Private Participation in Infrastructure SSC on TF: can it represent the National Implementation Body? There is no need to create a new structure if the mandate of the TF SSC will be upgraded. Under Others: Domestic and External Trade Promotion Trade Support Services Other Institutional Support Supply Side Capacity Inter-Min. Comm. WTO implement. Task Force for Trade Facilitation National Codex Committee Nat’l IPR Committee Others. Integrated Framework, Aid for Trade

5 Coordination Mechanism between Trade SWAp Stakeholders

6 Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues
(DTIS 2007) Three Pillars Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues Product and Services Capacity Building Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues Product and Services Capacity Building Pillar Coordinator Pillar Coordinator Pillar Coordinator Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd 3 Year Rolling Plan

7 Each Pillar: 2 types of Design Team
Pillar Coordinator Government officials: Director/Deputy Directors of Departments from: Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, Council of Development of Cambodia and others… Shepherd Development Partners: Reform and Cross-Cutting issues: World Bank Product Development and Services: UNDP Capacity Building: UNDP Launched on January 21, 2008: by Sr. Minister, Minister on the 2nd meeting of the Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development and Trade-Related Investment.

8 Chamber of Commerce, GMAC
Three Pillars Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues Product and Services Capacity Building Pillar Coordinator RGC Rep. MoC, MEF, MAFF, MIME, MAFF, MWA, MoT… Private Sector Cambodia CC Academia Civil Society Pillar Coordinator RGC Rep. MoC, MEF, MAFF, MIME, CDC, CED… Private Sector Cambodia CC Academia Civil Society Pillar Coordinator RGC Rep. MoC, MEF, MoP, CDC, CED, MIME, MAFF, MoH Private Sector Chamber of Commerce, GMAC Academia Civil Society Shepherd UNDP GTZ, UNDP, WB, UNIDO ... Shepherd UNDP AFD, AusAid, USAid, GTZ, EC, UNIDO ... Shepherd WB ADB, JICA, ILO, EC, UNIDO 3 Year Rolling Plan

9 Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues
(DTIS 2007) Reforms and Cross-Cutting issues Product and Services Capacity Building 3 Year Rolling Plan

10 Trade SWAp implementation Work Flow
Request for Proposal Reception of Proposal Financial Pan updated Annual SWAp Monitoring Indicators Annual Work Plan updated Registration of Proposal Monitoring and Evaluation Project Monitoring Indicators Populate & update SWAp website/DB Revision of Proposal Appraisal flow Project end evaluation Pillar WG Control M & E flow Upgrade of Proposal Selection of Proposal IPA Package Audit No No Recommend of 10 Proposals to IC IC approves Proposal WB gives No Objection SSC endorses IC’s decision Procurement of goods and services Yes Yes Yes Procurement Plan updated PRC Package Payment of goods and services No Financial report No Submit proposal to other DPs/Orgs Sole source selection Direct contact Quarterly IFR Endorsement flow Procurement flow

11 Success of Trade Mainstreaming in Cambodia
Mr. Suon Prasith

12 Technical level of Trade Mainstreaming
G-PSF (6ms/y) WG 1 of Agriculture WG 2 Ex-Processing WG 3 Tourism WG 4 SMEs WG 8 Sub-Steering Com. WG 1 or Pillar 1 WG 2 or Pillar 2 WG 3 or Pillar 3 Government Development Partners Private Sector + Government 2002 Private Sector Short-term & practical approach Long-term & get TA supports

13 Technical level of Trade Mainstreaming
G-PSF (6ms/y) WG 1 of Agriculture WG 2 Ex-Processing WG 3 Tourism WG 4 SMEs WGs Decide on policy changes Seek further needs assessment. Prime Minister Co-chair raises remaining issues Implements All cabinets meeting Private Sector + Government Short-term & practical approach

14 How EIF Tier 1 is an instrument of Trade Mainstreaming?

15 EIF Tier 1 is a Complementary
PILLARS’ ROADMAP Government+ Development Partners Pillar WG III Pillar WG II Pillar WG I SSC.TD-TRI IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE PRAKAS ON PWGs Department of International Cooperation is a Secretariat to Trade SWAp, Tier 1, TDSP, IC, SSC.TDTRI.

16 Pillar Working Groups D/ICO Secretariat
Pillar WGs work on Priority Sectors Review & Propose for Funding from SWAp EIF Tier 1 uses to coordinate among G-PSF WG, PWGs & Line-Ministries, Private Sectors, DPs, IC and SSC.TDTRI

17 Websites: Ministry of Commerce: www. MoC. gov
Websites: Ministry of Commerce: Trade SWAp Website: or

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