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Using DIDLS to Determine Tone

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1 Using DIDLS to Determine Tone

2 What is DIDLS ? an acronym that aids you in analyzing a fiction or nonfiction prose passage. D Diction I Imagery D Detail L Language S Syntax

3 Diction Denotation: The dictionary or literal meaning of a word.
Ex: Plump = a full, round, and pleasing figure Connotation: All the meanings, associations, or feelings that a word suggests. Ex: Fat = while similar in denotative meaning to plump, it has a very harsh and mean connotation

4 Home, House, Residence, Dwelling
Denotation: These words all mean a place in which someone lives. Connotations: Home: cozy, loving, comfortable, security, images or feelings of people you associate with it   House: the actual building or structure Residence: Cold, no feeling Dwelling: primitive or basic (picture a cave, etc.)

5 Choose the “Right” Word
Laugh: chuckle, titter, giggle, cackle, snicker, roar Old: mature, experienced, antique, relic, senior, ancient

6 Political Packaging Hillary Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription: 'Remus Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

7 Revised Biography Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.

8 Comparison 'Remus Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.' Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1885, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.

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