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Africa OASE and 5 Themes.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa OASE and 5 Themes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa OASE and 5 Themes

2 Directions Write down your observations ( at least 3)
Write down an educated guess as to where this picture was taken (region) Apply your observations and guess to the 5 Themes of Geography: Location, Place, Region, Human Environment Interaction, and Movement Tell how you applied the picture to a theme of geography







9 Answers-Locations Serengeti Plain; Kenya and Tanzania
Sahara Desert; Northern Africa South Africa Diamond mine Congo Jungle, Congo South Africa voting; Nelson Mandela Zaire Refugee camp

10 5 Themes Place: Discuss environment, vegetation, and wildlife, Region: East Africa Place: environment, Movement: Camels, Region: Northern Africa HEI: Mining/digging Place: Environment, Movement: canoe, Region: Central Africa Place: Culture (voting/democracy) Place: Culture/Environment, HEI: Being able to survive

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