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Publication of Historical Gas Operational Data by National Grid NTS

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1 Publication of Historical Gas Operational Data by National Grid NTS
Richard Fairholme Trading Arrangements, E.ON UK

2 Overview of Issue Through the UNC Review Group 0140 process, National Grid NTS proposed that as a result of the ‘MIPI’ project, operational data reports should be limited to two-year’s worth of historical data (on a rolling basis). National Grid still holds data over 2 years old – it just isn’t populated in the relevant fields and tables which Shippers / customers see. RG 0140 took place two years ago and the IT costs of providing the data may have reduced since 2007. We believe there is significant value to Shippers (and potentially customers) by extending the limited historical data range. The value for Shippers comes from having instant access to the data. We need ability to quickly do ad-hoc enquiries over a larger (than current) date range, which does not exist with the ‘on request’ service.

3 New European Transparency Guidelines
Current draft proposal by DG TREN on transparency: Para. 3.3(2) “At all relevant points, transmission system operators shall publish historical information on the requirements of paragraph (a)-(e) for the past five years on a rolling basis and on a numerical basis gas flows interruptions.” This includes (Para (a) – (e)): the maximum technical capacity for flows in both directions; the total contracted firm and interruptible capacity; the nominated firm and interruptible capacity in both directions; Flows; the commercially available capacity for all types of capacity offered to the market.

4 Next Steps… Implementation of the new transparency guidelines could be as early as late 2009. Our preferred solution would be for National Grid NTS to continue with its proactive approach to compliance with new European transparency requirements and provide the 5 year’s worth of data without the need for a formal change proposal. Extending data provision to 5 year’s worth of historical data would likely not require a UNC Modification Proposal (can be probably done through an NCORM change). To assist development, we request National Grid’s views on the following points: Would all reports be affected or just certain data items? (e.g. Mod 219) Clarity over funding for this change – i.e. Is funding for this already in place? Timescales for implementation (2009? 2010? Staged or full implementation?)

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