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Natural Response of an RC Circuit

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Response of an RC Circuit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Response of an RC Circuit
ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

2 Typical RC Circuit ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

3 Circuit Conditions Assume that the switch has been in position a for a very long time. ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

4 The Capacitor is Charged to the Source Voltage Vg
The circuit now looks like ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

5 Write the Node Voltage Equation
ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

6 Substituting back ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

7 Plot of the Natural Response
ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

8 Current, Power, and Energy
ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

9 Summary of Procedure Determine the initial voltage across the Capacitor. Determine the Time Constant, τ. Apply ECE 201 Circuit Theory I

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