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What is the Geologic Time Scale based on?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Geologic Time Scale based on?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geologic Time Scale Analysis Questions Answer questions on page 15 of science notebooks
What is the Geologic Time Scale based on? Describe the divisions of the Geologic Time Scale? What divides history into eras? Approximately what date does fossil evidence suggest life had evolved on Earth? What form of life was this? Imagine you found a fossil of a bird that dates to 213 million years. Why would this finding be astonishing to scientists? Why can’t we find fossils during the Permian age? GTS based on fossil evidence in Earth’s rocks and the age of the rocks. Divided into 4 large divisions called eras, which has subdivisions called periods. 3. What divides history into eras? Mass extinctions of certain life forms 4. Fossil evidence suggests that forms of life, possibly photosynthetic bacteria, had evolved by about billion years ago in the Precambrian era. 5. Based on fossil evidence thus far discovered, birds did not evolve until about 145 million years ago. 6. Why can’t we find fossils during the Permian age? No rock record (fossils found in rocks)

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