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New Field Epidemiologist Training Program Resident Advisor Orientation

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1 New Field Epidemiologist Training Program Resident Advisor Orientation
August 8, 2011

2 Basic Agenda for the Two Days
Two days of orientation Focus on role of RA, address expectations and concerns, and coordinate support from colleagues in Atlanta and the field Meet teams and partners Social Dinner Regional and country specific side meetings MENA team will be meeting on August 10th Egypt, Morocco and Iraq have set up side meetings with CDC partners Basic Logistics

3 Purpose of the Orientation
Prepare and Empower Resident Advisors True Partnership in MOH-lead programs Clarity on the Role of Resident Advisors Quality and Impact

4 Current FELTP

5 Overarching FETP Goals
Increase the access and reach of FETP All low income countries should have access to a FETP Achieve 1 trained field epidemiologists per 200,000 people globally Continually strive to maintain/improve FETP quality Examine new areas for collaboration Utilize the added value of FELTP to address current and emerging global health concerns including NCDs, MCH, malaria and others Find sustainable regular funding for FELTP Examine new possibilities of funding mechanisms and sources Share lessons learned and best practices with global community Regularly publish and document results (min 25 peer-reviewed articles a year)

6 Welcome to FETP

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