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Debating Seminar Universitas Mataram

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1 Debating Seminar Universitas Mataram

2 British Parliamentary (BP) Rules
In a BP debate, there are two sides in a debate: the Government and the Opposition On each side, there are two teams of 2 persons each. One team is called the Opening and the other the Closing. British Parliamentary (BP) Rules

3 Deputy Leader of Opposition
POI! BP Format + - Bench Government Bench Opposition Opening 1 Prime Minister 1 Leader of Opposition 2 Deputy Prime Minister 2 Deputy Leader of Opposition Closing 1 Member of Government 1 Member of Opposition 2 Government Whip 2 Opposition Whip Adjudicators

4 Roles of Teams and Speaker (Opening Government)
Prime Minister define the motion outline the allocation of arguments (split) deliver first split Deputy Prime Minister give rebuttals deliver second split summarize case Roles of Teams and Speaker (Opening Government)

5 Roles of Teams and Speaker (Opening Opposition)
Leader of The Opposition show the difference of stance (negation) Give rebuttals outline the allocation of arguments (split) deliver first split Deputy Leader of The Opposition give rebuttals deliver second split summarize case Roles of Teams and Speaker (Opening Opposition)

6 Roles of Teams and Speaker (Closing Government)
Member of The Government give rebuttals outline and deliver case extension Government Whip summarize case Roles of Teams and Speaker (Closing Government)

7 Roles of Teams and Speaker (Closing Opposition)
Member of The Opposition give rebuttals outline and deliver case extension Opposition Whip summarize case no new matter may be delivered Roles of Teams and Speaker (Closing Opposition)

8 Case case: set of arguments supported by evidences anatomy of a case:
definition: clarifies the motion/limits debate scope theme line: core argumentation/basic idea team split: distribution of arguments arguments and rebuttals Case

9 Definition motion should be defined as a whole definition may contain:
definition of key lexical units (words/phrases) parameters definition must be reasonable: have clear and logical link to motion debatable (a reasonable opposition exists) In the case that there are two definitions on the Opening debate, the Closing Government may choose one between these two Definition

10 Definitional Challenge
Negative may only challenge affirmative’s definition based on: Truism (not debatable) Tautological / circular (self-proving) Squirreling (no logical link to motion) Unfair Time & place setting (specific knowledge) Definitional Challenge

11 These are definitions which are ‘true’ by nature and thus make the proposed arguments unarguable and therefore unreasonable in the context of the debate Truism

12 Motion: “THBT the sun rises from the east.” Def brought by Aff: “as it is…that the sun rises from the east.” Real issue: The growth of Asian countries, which oftenly called ‘the East world’ has increased rapidly, for example China, India,etc. Thus the debate should be weather or not the Asian countries’ power, esp in economy, has become a great rival of West world economy.

13 Tautological (circling)
This happens when a definition is given in such a way that it is logically impossible to negate it. Tautological (circling)

14 Motion: THBT technology is killing our work ethic Def: Tech: “all scientific advancements that make life easier and therefore kills our work ethic” This would result in the whole definition “that all scientific advancements that make life easier and therefore kills our work ethic is killing our work ethic”. ---This cannot be logically proven false---

15 Squirreling Squirreling
Definitions that are not tied down to the spirit of the motion and do not have a proper logical link to the motion. Squirreling

16 Motion: THBT the USA is opening up to the PRC Def: USA as “Untidy Students of Asia” PRC as “Pretty Room Cleaners” This is definitely squirreling, as anyone would agree that the spirit of the motion is about the relationship between the United States (USA) and People Republic of China (PRC)!

17 Time & Place Setting Unfair Time & Place Setting
The subject matter of the debate cannot be confined to a particular time and place. Time & Place Setting

18 For instance, trying to limit the subject matter to only the economic development of Japan during the specific period of the Meiji restoration.

19 Distribution of arguments
Don’t forget to use Signposting Team Split

20 Arguments remember that arguments should have A- R-E:
Assertion: statement of the argument; Reasoning: a logical explanation of the argument; Evidence: examples (facts, statistics, etc.) to support the argument. Arguments should be linked back to the motion. Arguments

21 argument attacking the opposing team’s argument, e. g
argument attacking the opposing team’s argument, e.g. by showing that it: is based on an error of fact is irrelevant to the proof of the topic is illogical involves unacceptable implications should be accorded little weight doesn’t have to be point-by-point rebutt the theme line or main arguments Rebuttals

22 Points of Information (POIs)
POIs are short interruptions that may be given by the opposing side to the speaker having the floor. The maximum limit of POIs: 15 seconds. There are several types of POIs (neither normative nor exhaustive): Short, sharp, and direct question. Point of clarification: you may use POI to ask for clarification for something that you don't understand from the speaker. Drawing contradiction between the First and Second Speakers, or between the first and second teams. Points of Information (POIs)

23 The job of the Closing teams is to support the Opening teams by following the line of reasoning but by giving a significantly different matter (often called an extension). Making an extension is supporting the case of the Opening by putting a different perspective into it. Extension

24 Happy Debating



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