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The Rise of Hitler Born in Austria in 1889 Poor record at school

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1 The Rise of Hitler Born in Austria in 1889 Poor record at school
Went to fulfil his dream of becoming an artist Couldn’t get in By 1909 he was eating in soup kitchens and living in homeless shelters.

2 Hitler's Profile 1913 – moved to Germany
Participated in WW1 won Iron Cross (the person who recommended him to get the Cross was Jewish). 1918 – left war as was blinded by gas In the army after the war to spy on political groups within Germany He joins a party and transforms it into the Nazi party Attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government and was put in prison for 9 months While in prison wrote “Mein Kampf” (My struggle)

3 Hitler takes Power Hitler blames Jews and communists for the great depression Became chancellor in and president in 1934 – used title of Der Fuhrer (leader) He nazified Germany in the 1930s – removing any opposition and getting his ideas for a greater Germany out there!

4 Why did he gain support? He promised Germans what they wanted and needed to hear Nazi’s had promised to solve the problems of the depression Hitler uses groups such as Jews as scapegoats blaming all problems on them Radio – people only allowed to listen to Nazi stations

5 What did Hitler do for Germany?
Network of motorways (new jobs and a more efficient Germany) Increased the numbers in the army Stopped reparations once president – put that money into the economy Hitler gave money to families that had more than 4 children

6 Hilter Youth Children would be vital as they would be the first generation to grow up in the Nazi world Propaganda was a common practice in Nazi schools and the education system. History was based on the glory of Germany - a nationalistic approach was compulsory "The weak must be chiselled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel."

7 What Hitler did for the people
Investments in Car industry Volkswagon is produced BMW to be produced by those in camps Farmers- higher prices for their produce Unemployed workers – jobs creating stadiums and roads Restore profits of small business (end communist threat) Women were “ Different but not inferior ” They had a very important role as mother and caregiver Destroyed trade unions – kept wages low Reward for industries who supported Hitler Berlin Olympics – newly built Olympic stadium – proof that Hitler was making Germany great again

8 Concentration Camps All of the dots are areas of concentration camps
Even in other countries!

9 Berlin Olympics Berlin Olympics – 1936 Germany wins more medals than any other country – proving their superiority New technology at the Olympics – electric timing Jesse Owens – USA – African American wins 4 gold – Hitler is disgusted 'Anyone who spoke ill against Hitler or Nazi's were thrown into conc. Camps

10 The Nazi's Gestapo – Secret Nazi police
Could arrest anyone and send them to concentration camps without trial Aryan bodies – blue eyes, blond hair superior Books/Newspapers that disagreed with Nazi views were burned

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