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Maths 3 Papers Paper 1 -Arithmetic Paper - 40 marks (30 mins)

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1 Maths 3 Papers Paper 1 -Arithmetic Paper - 40 marks (30 mins)
Paper 2 – Reasoning paper - 35 marks(40 mins) Paper 3 – Reasoning paper - 35 marks(40 mins)

2 Maths Arithmetic Paper (Paper 1) 40 questions in 30 minutes
This paper is pure maths They need to understand the basic skills (rules) and methods. They need to work at pace and check for silly mistakes which will loose them marks. On this paper they need to aim for 30 marks or more to give them a good start.

3 Maths – Arithmetic Paper (40 marks)
Which includes: Basic calculations using the standard methods. Fraction work Percentages Decimals - understanding the place value. Converting between fractions/percentages/decimals. Factors, multiples, square, cubes types of number etc. Place value by x and ÷ by 10, 100, 1000 All questions are in number form not word problems

4 Arithmetic Paper 36 questions in 30 minutes – 40 marks Pupils have to use the short method of multiplication

5 Arithmetic Paper If there is one calculation error resulting in a wrong answer, pupils have to use the long division method to gain one mark.

6 Maths – Reasoning Papers (2 x 35 marks)
They need to understand word problems and apply their understanding of the different aspects of Maths. Questions will include – All four methods. Explaining and giving evidence for answers Fractions and percentages. Interpret diagrams and charts. Compare between measures/charts/scales etc. Read and plot co-ordinators in all four quadrants. Shape problems Use the inverse to find missing values.

7 20 questions in 40 minutes – 35 marks
Reasoning 2 20 questions in 40 minutes – 35 marks

8 Reasoning Paper 3

9 How to help Homework to be completed on time.
Set aside time to go on MyMaths and revise what they have done in lesson. If they are still not sure, encourage them to ask for help from you or older brothers and sister. Encourage them to go on TTrockstars to practise their tables. BBC bitesize and other sites to revise.


11 Power Maths Pupils will be exposed to concrete, pictorial and abstract forms of maths. The concrete allows them to physically model what is happening and helps to build understanding of concepts. The pictorial allows pupils to represent problems in an easier to understand format and also help to support explanations. The abstract is then built on top of this secure understanding to provide efficient calculation methods.

12 Power Maths

13 Power Maths ? 90

14 Power Maths 30 30 30 ? 90

15 Power Maths 30 30 30 30 30 60 90

16 Power Maths 30 30 30 30 30 60 90 150

17 Times Tables Rockstars
TT Rockstars

18 Homework Homework packs and weekly MyMaths set to support what is being taught in class.

19 Useful websites

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