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Geographic TERMS and MOdels

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Presentation on theme: "Geographic TERMS and MOdels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographic TERMS and MOdels

2 GIS gis/overview

3 Regional / idiographic (unique)theories
as a tendency to specify, and is typical for the humanities. It describes the effort to understand the meaning of contingent, unique, and often cultural or subjectivephenomena.

4 Systematic/nomothetic theories
described as a tendency to generalize, and is typical for the natural sciences. It describes the effort to derive laws that explain types or categories of objective phenomena, in general


6 What does this have to do with GIS?
One important characteristic of GIS is that it allows a combination of general and specific data Allows for integration of ideographic with nomothetic geography.

7 Distance Decay

8 Time-Space Compression

9 Gravity theory/model

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