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Section 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from earth

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1 Section 1.2 Telescopes allow us to study space from earth

2 Light and other forms of radiation carry information about space
Electromagnetic radiation: energy that travels across distances as certain types of waves Astronomers learn about size, distance, and movement of an object by studying its radiation

3 Telescopes Telescope: a device that gathers electromagnetic radiation
Astronomers use telescopes to collect information about space

4 Reflecting Telescopes
Curved mirror that gathers light Built to gather infrared or ultraviolet radiation Eyepiece: a second mirror that reflects the image to recording equipment

5 Refracting Telescopes
Has an objective lens or a curved piece of glass at one end of a long tube This lens gathers light and focuses it to form an image near the other end of the tube Eyepiece will magnify the images

6 Radio Telescopes Show where radio waves are being emitted by objects in space Has a curved metal surface called dish that gathers radio waves and focuses them onto an antenna

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