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What is National History Day?

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Presentation on theme: "What is National History Day?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is National History Day?
500,000 kids compete across USA Create a presentation on any historical topic which fits the theme This year’s theme: “Triumph and Tragedy””

2 Let’s get back to Nationals

3 What’s in it for You? It’s a great experience, and it will push you
Some BHS History teachers require it You’ll receive extra credit for work produced You could travel and even win a prize Colleges love to see it on applications

4 Things to Consider… It’s a lot of work, and competition is fierce
You have to really love your topic You can’t be afraid of reading (like, books) If you procrastinate, this will either help you or make you insane Subpar work can be truly embarrassing at the contest

5 National History Day Exhibits

6 National History Day Exhibits
Performance Performance

7 National History Day Exhibits
Exhibit Boards

8 National History Day Exhibits
Exhibit Boards

9 National History Day Exhibits

10 National History Day Exhibits
Historical Paper

11 Period Seven NHD (Day A)
Short lessons on essential skills: Researching primary sources Organizing your research Creating a thesis statement Putting together an amazing project Lots of time to research and work on projects A space to practice performances, work on boards, prepare for judges’ interviews, etc.

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