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Changing Environment (CE) Road Map & Costs JPICH Coordination Office

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1 Changing Environment (CE) Road Map & Costs JPICH Coordination Office
JHEP2 Steering Committee meeting JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018 JHEP2 TOP4 – WP2 Implementation of other joint activities including joint calls Changing Environment (CE) Road Map & Costs Task 2.1 call Task 2.3 other joint action Patrizia Bianconi JPICH Coordination Office

2 JPICH call on: Heritage in Changing Environments
Part. Countries: 11 Countries (Belarus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ireland , Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, The Netherlands and United Kingdom) Call Budget : M€ (National Funding) Funding Schema : Virtual common pot Topics: Changing physical environments 2. Changing social and economic environments 3. Changing political and cultural environments JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

3 CALL TIME TABLE Procedure Schedule Launch of the JPICH Call
“Heritage in Changing Environments” 04 September 2017 Deadline for submission of proposals 30 November 2017, 14:00 CEST General Eligibility check 04 – 14 December 2017 National Eligibility checks 18 December 2017 – 14 January 2018 Evaluation of proposals by independent external peer reviewers January – March 2018 Independent International Assessment Panel meeting 3nd week April 2018 Funding decision Middle May 2018 JPICH Heritage in Changing Environments projects start June – November 2018

Collect all the National eligibility requirements Circulate the Heritage in Changing Environments call MoU Collect eventually MoU comments/integration Sign the MoU by all participants - End of November 2017 JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

5 Content of the Heritage in Changing Environments MoU
As for the Digital Heritage the maximum JCS and JPS handling costs are calculated at 5% of the final total call costs. Handling costs will be shared by the JPICH CE Parties in a fair way, i.e. the share of costs will be related to the actual share of funds nationally committed to funding JPICH CE project. JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

6 Content of the Heritage in Changing Environments MoU
To cover for these costs Parties are expected to make additional funding available. It is however recognized that some Parties can only contribute to these costs in kind. Parties may offer: to host and pay for the meeting facilities for the JPICH CE CEMG meetings; to provide additional assistance in formulating the JPICH CEMG meeting minutes; to host and pay for the meeting facilities for the JPICH CE International Assessment Panel; JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

7 Content of the Heritage in Changing Environments MoU
to provide additional assistance in carrying out the remote peer review process; to provide additional assistance in running the JPICH International Assessment Panel meeting; to pay for travel and subsistence costs of International Assessment Panel members; to take care of the management of the progress reporting and evaluation of JPICH CE projects (act as the JPS). JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

8 JPICH Heritage in Changing Environments call
Submitted proposals followed the national eligibility check by the funding Partners based on national funding rules. Number of submitted proposals Number of eligible proposals JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

9 TIME TABLE OF THE CALL General check + National eligibility evaluation
Deadline for proposal submission 30 November 2017 General check + National eligibility evaluation 08 December – 14 January 2018 Remote Evaluation of proposals by expert End of January – 30 May 2018 (instead 30 March) JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

10 Independent expert for remote evaluation
The existing JPI CH database of independent international experts was updated. All the Funding Partners were involved in searching for additional independent international experts according to the topics of the Proposals. 88 remote evaluators were used. No fees for their activities To support the remote evaluation process, the following documents were sent: Guidelines for applicants Guidelines for evaluation Evaluation reporting form (including check of conflict of interest) Declaration of Confidentially JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

Remote evaluation by independent international peer reviewer experts 8 June 2018 – 30 June 2018 International peer review Panel meeting July 2018 Management Group meeting for funding decision July/Sep 2018 ?? JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

12 Independent Peer Review Panel Members
S. Kalevicijus: University of Vilnius, Lithuania - Antropology Andreas Rauber: Vienna University, Austrian-Digital Przemyslaw Urbanczyk: CardinalWyszyński University and Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland - Archeology Sara Van Rompaey: E.ARChitects Energy Efficient Architecture Renovation Conservation, Merelbeke, Belgium - Architecture Matthias Burgei: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL - Landscape Anthi Kaldeli:  University of Cyprus , Cyprus, - Maritime Heritage Maria Elena Corrado: ISCR, Italy – Architecture, Urban planning Dina D’Ayala: Univerisity College London, UK - Risk management and assestment JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

13 Independent Peer Review Panel activities
The international peer review panel, during the meeting agreed upon a final consensus report and scored each proposal, following which a ranking list was determined. Following EC rules the outcome of the independent international peer review was a report recording, principally: An Evaluation Summary Report (ESR); A list of proposals passing all thresholds, along with a final score for each proposal passing the thresholds and the panel recommendations for priority order. A list of evaluated proposals having failed one or more thresholds; A list of any proposals having been found ineligible during the evaluation by experts; A summary of any deliberations of the panel. JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

14 Management call – budget for cash costs
Items of costs Euro Platform adaptation for submission proposals C&E 4.000 Fees for Independent evaluators (1.000 x 8) 8.000 Travel and accommodation 6.000 2 Meetings facilities (catering ) 2.000 Total 20.000 We will have a precise table of costs in July (after the Independent Panel Meeting). Please send to Handling Partner (MiBACT) by 30 September 2018 JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

15 THANKS JHEP2 Fifth Meeting Rome, 13rd June 2018

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