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Tripp Purvis Vice President of Business Development

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1 Tripp Purvis Vice President of Business Development
Platform Computing Providing Complete Management Solutions for Global HPC Organizations Tripp Purvis Vice President of Business Development

2 National Supercomputing Center Shenzhen (NSCS)
Provides computing capacities to research, government, & industries Partnership with Platform Computing to provide complete management solution Computing capacity will be delivered as a cloud service Nebulae #3 on Top500 Follows the same model as other super-computing centers in China They bought LSF, ISF, Analytics, PAC, and Cloud Insight

3 Red Bull Racing - Solution
CFD is mission critical for to the development & success of Red Bull Racing on the track Key Requirements: A common interface - ability to add, change, and run in parallel workflows Simple and secure front end - users not required to have in-depth knowledge of workflow Resource management, monitoring and reporting. Platform Computing provides the capabilities & commitment to deliver a solution that fits Red Bull Racing’s unique needs. Solution Platform Computing provides a unique suite of products that have the potential to be integrated into a one stop shop for workflow and resource management tools Platform Computing has the capabilities and commitment to give Red Bull Racing confidence that an integrated toolset will be developed Quality of the support team Rapid access to developers when problems are reported and escalated – Developers talk directly to Red Bull Racing’s HPC staff, and vice versa, to accelerate problem resolution The vision provided by Red Bull Racing was taken on board at a high level and embellished further

4 Thank You

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