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Bernardo Cortese, MD Ospedale della Misericordia Grosseto Italy

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1 Bernardo Cortese, MD Ospedale della Misericordia Grosseto Italy
PROlonged Bivalirudin Infusion Versus Intraprocedural only RandomIzed study. The PROBI VIRI study. Bernardo Cortese, MD Ospedale della Misericordia Grosseto Italy

2 Disclosures Consultant (TMC, 2008).

3 BACKGROUND Why do we use Bivalirudin? Short and long term follow up data from recent RCT.

4 Acuity trial HD White et Al., JACC 52;807
GW Stone et Al., NEJM 2006;355:2203

5 Horizons-AMI trial 3.1% 30 day Death (%) 2.1% P=0.048 HR [95%CI] =
Heparin + GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor (n=1802) Bivalirudin monotherapy (n=1800) 3.1% 30 day Death (%) 2.1% HR [95%CI] = 0.66 [0.44, 1.00] P=0.048 Time in Days GW Stone, oral communication, TCT ‘07


7 Bivalirudin’s shadows – I The Albion study

8 Clopidogrel pretreatment in Acuity (composite ischemia)
GW Stone et Al., NEJM 2006;355:2203

9 Bivalirudin’s shadows – II Isar React-3 trial
A Kastrati et Al., NEJM 2008;359:688

10 Bivalirudin’s shadows – III Horizons-AMI trial
GW Stone et Al., NEJM 2008;358:2218

11 Hypothesis: a prolonged infusion of bivalirudin after PCI would overcome these flaws??

12 “Antithrombotic protection”
Prolonged B GPI -Plt activation -Distal embolization -Small vess closure -Stent thrombosis B stop end of PCI PCI 4 hrs 12 hrs 24 hrs end of PCI TIME

13 PROBI VIRI study- design
178 pts with SA or UA, complex PCI Cath lab Biv bolus and infusion (1.75 mg/Kg/h) Randomization (post angio) Stop infusion (n=90) 4-hrs infusion at 0.25 mg/Kg/h (n=88) Primary endpoint

14 Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
Stable or unstable angina and at least one of the following: at least one B2/C lesion (ACC/AHA classification) or planned MV PCI any elevation of pre-procedural CK-MB or Tn, creatinine clearance <30 ml/min, previous use of heparin (2 hrs) or GPI, INR>1.5

15 Study endpoints Primary: incidence of procedural-related MI (CK-MB ≥ 3 ULN). Secondary: in-hospital bleedings; 30-days and 6 months MACEs.

16 Statistical Methodology
randomization after angiography; analysis by intention-to-treat; superiority for P.E. non-inferiority for S.E. power analysis: to reduce post PCI MI incidence from 12% (control group) to 6% (prol biv group), a sample size of 160 pts would provide study 80% power to meet P.E.. Planned population: 175 pts.

17 Cr Clear <50 ml/min/m2, %
CONTROL GROUP (n=90) PROL BIV (n=88) p value Age, mean (SD), y 67,9 (±9,5) 66,7 (±9,8) 0.5 Males, % 80 80,7 0.9 Diabetes, % 27,7 29,5 Cr Clear <50 ml/min/m2, % 8,9 8,0 0.82 Unstable Angina, % 44,4 40,9 0.67 Aspirin use, before PCI, % 93.3 97.7 1 Correct clop. loading dose, % 86,7 86,4 0.7

18 Complex cor. lesions, B2/C type, %
CONTROL GROUP (n=90) PROL BIV (n=88) p value Complex cor. lesions, B2/C type, % 77,1 83,3 0.44 Direct stenting, % 77,8 73,9 0.5 Mean stent length (SD), mm 33,5 (±18) 32,2 (±18) 0.71 Radial access site, % 82,9 86,6 0.67 ≥2 vessel PCI, % 28,3 33,3 0.79 Drug eluting stent use, % 44,4 54,6 0.4 In-cath lab GPI use, % 5,5 3,4 0.78 Procedural success, % 98,9 0.98

19 Results- P.E. 16,7% p=0.041 6,8%

20 30-days MACE, % Death, % Q-wave MI, % TVR, % 6-months MACE, %
CONTROL GROUP (n=90) PROL BIV (n=88) p value 30-days MACE, % 3,3 1,1 0.43 Death, % 0.37 Q-wave MI, % 2,2 0.7 TVR, % 6-months MACE, % 16,7 10,2 0.18 4,4 3,4 0.76 12,2 8,0 0.33 Stent thrombosis, % 1

21 In-hospital Major Bleedings, %
CONTROL GROUP (n=90) PROL BIV (n=88) p value 86,6% radial access! In-hospital Major Bleedings, % 1,1 0.87 In-hospital Minor Bleedings, % 3,3 3,4 0.96

22 Limitations of the study
post PCI bivalirudin infusion rate. the last word about safety (radial access)?

23 CK MB increase after PCI
IS. REACT 3 ARMYDA 2 Briguori et Al. (EHJ 04;25:1822) Periproc MI 5.4% 15% (>2 ULN) 16.4% Any CK MB incr. above ULN n.a. 26% Preproc. CK MB increase 0% Correct clop loading 100% Complex lesions (B2/C) 67.5% 81% 64% Stent length, mm 22.8 (±11) 20.8 (±10) 21 (±10) MV PCI 9% 10% PROBI VIRI (stop Biv arm) 16.7% 28.9% 0% 86.7% 77.1% 33,5 (±18) 28.3%

24 Conclusions In a complex PCI setting, bivalirudin prolonged infusion after PCI seems a promising choice to reduce myocardial injury. Urgent or Emergent PCI

25 Bivalirudin’s “Appendix”

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