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Happy, Happy March! Marilee MacMillan

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1 Happy, Happy March! Marilee MacMillan
Mrs. Casanova returns from her maternity leave on Thursday, March 8th! We will both be in the classroom that day to make it as smooth a transition as possible. Thank you for all of your support over the last few months. I will truly miss working with the children and the classroom camaraderie. Best wishes to all of you! Marilee MacMillan Science/Social Studies – We will focus on our weather unit (that has been delayed due to CogAT testing and our own weather issues in February!). We are currently investigating rain, as well as what makes a cloud, rain, and a rainbow. From there we will investigate different types of storms, including hurricanes, thunderstorms, blizzards, tornados, and earthquakes. Language Arts – Our core words this month are “he/she”, “here,” and “had”. We will focus on these words during writing and in the leveled reading books. This month we will continue to work on retelling in order -- what happened at the beginning of the book, the middle, and the end in sequential order. At home, after reading a story, you can use the key phrases, “First …”, “Then …”, and “In the end …” to support the retell.

2 Math – We are continuing with our measurement unit, exploring the use of nonstandard units of measure, such as blocks, to measure the length of objects around the classroom. Prior to Spring Break, we will move from the measurement of length to measuring mass/weight and then volume. Community Independence Instruction – On February 28th, we had a fantastic afternoon visiting the Cascades Fire Department! We learned about the role fire fighters play in our community, as well as all of the gear a fire truck holds! Wow!! In March, we will also continue with our school-based jobs of collecting library books, distributing backpack buddy bags, and providing the coffee cart to our very own Lowes Island staff. Students are doing a fantastic job of making sure each person gets their coffee or tea and with the specified number of sugars and creamers and collecting any monies due. Upcoming Dates – March 11th: Daylight Savings! Spring Forward! Remember to set your clocks forward one hour! This means we lose an hour of sleep. March 7th: St. Patrick’s Day March 20th: First Day of Spring! March 26th- 30th: SPRING BREAK!!! NO SCHOOL Have a wonderful month of March! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the school by phone , or you can me anytime at

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