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Students need to be organized, intrinsically interested, and reflective to do well in school. Many students, however, just don’t seem to know how to take.

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Presentation on theme: "Students need to be organized, intrinsically interested, and reflective to do well in school. Many students, however, just don’t seem to know how to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students need to be organized, intrinsically interested, and reflective to do well in school. Many students, however, just don’t seem to know how to take charge of their own learning. They have trouble completing larger projects-many wait to the last minute. They can’t organize work, decide what is important, and/or keep up with their work. Book bags can disasters (“black holes”). What organizational skills do students need to be successful in your class? What could you do to teach these skills, while also covering content?

2 The Components of a Self-Regulatory System,
Self-regulated learning: The extent to which a student is an active participant in his or her own learning Forethought Phase  Task analysis  Self-motivational beliefs Performance Phase  Self-control  Self-observation Self-Reflection Phase  Self-judgment  Self-reaction 10


4 Using SRL Theory in Research (I)
Planning n = 3 ` Strategy Use n = 13 Monitoring n = 11 Recycle Goals Plan Set sub-goal Take notes Read notes Summarize Make an inference Activate prior knowledge Memorize Re-read... Content Evaluation(+) Content Evaluation(-) Feeling of Knowing(+) Feeling of Knowing(-) Time Monitoring Judgment of Learning Monitoring Progress...

5 Using SRL Theory in Research (II)
Coded Think-Aloud Transcription: Example Strategy Strategy Strategy Monitoring Strategy Strategy

6 The Components of a Self-Regulatory System, cont.
To what extent do students self-regulate their learning? Strategy Total Mean Summarizing 301 12.04 Taking Notes 266 10.64 Re-reading 116 4.64 Inference 25 1.00 Reading Notes 18 0.72 Drawing 11 0.44 Mnemonics 9 0.36

7 The Components of a Self-Regulatory System, cont.
To what extent do students self-regulate their learning? Strategy Use: Summarization: 12.04 Take Notes: 10.64 Monitoring Total Mean Understanding 98 3.92 Content 54 2.16 Use of Strategies 16 0.64 Progress 4 0.16 Planning Act. prior knowledge 29 1.16 Goals 3 0.12 2 0.08

8 What does each phase “look” like for your developmental group/ content area?
What type of explicit instruction can you provide to support each phase?

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