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AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Imad H. Elhajj American University of Beirut Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Presentation on theme: "AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Imad H. Elhajj American University of Beirut Electrical and Computer Engineering"— Presentation transcript:

1 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Imad H. Elhajj American University of Beirut Electrical and Computer Engineering ITU-T Study Group 17 February 2012 Cyber Security Research at AUB

2 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Macro

3 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Macro

4 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Micro

5 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Nano

6 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Nano

7 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Offices & Lab Play

8 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering AUB (Founded in 1866)

9 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering AUB 7,500 students 73-acre Campus ECE 620 Undergraduate students 50 Graduate students 26 Full-time faculty members Opportunities for graduate students and collaboration

10 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Security Group At AUB Dr. Ayman Kayssi Dr. Ali Chehab Dr. Imad Elhajj 3 PhD Students 12 MS Students 10 Undergraduate Students

11 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Areas of Research Wireless mobile networks Energy aware Internet Industrial Cloud Misc: VANETs, RFID, wireless sensor networks, body sensor networks

12 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Relevance to ITU-T SG17 Questions QUESTIONSTITLE Q 1/17 Q 1/17 Telecommunications systems security project Q 4/17 Cybersecurity Q 6/17 Security aspects of ubiquitous telecommunication services Q 7/17 Q 7/17 Secure application services Q 8/17 Service oriented architecture security Q 10/17 Identity management architecture and mechanisms Q 11/17 Q 11/17 Directory services, Directory systems, and public- key/attribute certificates

13 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Wireless Mobile Network Security

14 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Wireless Signaling: Vulnerabilities, Detection and Mitigation TELUS corporation funded research

15 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Signaling

16 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Signaling Research 1)Developing a detection algorithm for unusual signaling activities originating from a wireless device 2)Devising granular mitigation techniques 3)Effects of signaling on the backbone

17 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Energy Aware

18 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Security Using Mobile Devices Security functions are energy consuming Human perception limitations reduce security requirements the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog requires 44 bytes of storage capacity in textual format Same sentence requires 3000 bytes of data when it is spoken and encoded by G.729 encoder

19 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Audio Experiment

20 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering G.711

21 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Internet Security

22 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering IP Spoofing Detection Round Trip Time to Improve Hop Count Filtering

23 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Thwarting Cache Poisoning Attacks in DNS Decrease the success probability of DNS spoofing and cache poisoning by preventing man-in-the-middle attacks Provide a backward compatible and simple security solution with low computation and communication overhead Target the different DNS query interaction models Employ an efficient Identity-Based Encryption key management scheme that relieves the different DNS interacting entities from the burden and complexities of traditional public-key infrastructures

24 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Secure Delay-Tolerant Communications in the Presence of Oppressive Governments Develop a secure delay-tolerant network system –Enable citizens to communicate freely in an environment where public communication methods, are intercepted and used by the authorities to monitor civilian activities. The proposed system is composed of several disconnected zones –Data marshals between private key generators and normal nodes in different zones –Uses mobile gateway nodes that carry messages between the different zones

25 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering DTN Network Model

26 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Industrial Security

27 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Automation and BMS Stuxnet PLC and SCADA vulnerabilities BMS vulnerabilities Industrial IDS

28 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Security in Cloud Computing

29 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Hardware-based Security for Ensuring Data Privacy in the Cloud A set of hardware-based security mechanisms for ensuring the privacy, integrity, and legal compliance of customer data as it is stored and processed in the cloud. Leverage the tamper-proof capabilities of cryptographic coprocessors to establish a secure execution domain in the computing cloud that is physically and logically protected from unauthorized access. Provide a privacy feedback protocol to inform users of the different privacy operations applied on their data and to make them aware of any data leaks or risks that may jeopardize the confidentiality of their sensitive information.

30 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering PasS system and interaction model

31 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Reputation as a Service RaaS is a secure and accountable reputation system for ranking service providers in cloud computing architectures. Secure audit logging provides a reputation reporting system whose results and recommendations can be published as a service and verified by trusted third parties or by the cloud service providers themselves. Ranking criteria: –Performance –Quality of service measures –Security –Pricing RaaS provides verifiable and accountable compliance with service-level agreements and regulatory policies RaaS is implemented in a real cloud computing architecture using the VMware vSphere 4 cloud operating system. –Imposes minimal overhead on the overall system performance

32 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Bulk Data Fetch Protocol

33 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering SNUAGE Platform-as-a-service security framework for building secure and scalable multi-layered services based on the cloud computing model. SNUAGE ensures the authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of data communication over the network links by creating a set of security associations between the data-bound components on the presentation layer and their respective data sources on the data persistence layer. Implementation using Java and deployed and tested in a real cloud computing infrastructure using the Google App Engine service platform.

34 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering BGP-Inspired Autonomic Service Routing for the Cloud ServBGP: a service routing protocol for managing service collaboration among cloud providers in cloud computing. Based on the policy-driven design of the well-known BGP Internet routing Autonomously manage the different aspects of service interaction and collaboration among service providers from service discovery and advertisement to service consumption and revocation. ServBGP routing decision engine is planned to operate by processing cost-bidding and QoS advertisement messages from the different cloud providers. Implemented on Google, Amazon, and Microsoft clouds

35 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ServBGP System Architecture

36 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mobile Cloud Computing Set of policy-driven security protocols for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of enterprise data in mobile cloud computing environments. Offloading the intensive asymmetric key agreement mechanisms from the mobile Designing a customizable policy-based security architecture that considers the sensitivity of cloud data to provide multi-level and fine-grained data protection methodologies that suit the energy-limited mobile devices and the low-bandwidth wireless networks characterizing current mobile cloud computing models. The system is implemented in a real cloud computing environment and the savings in terms of energy consumption and execution time are analyzed.

37 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering VANETs, RFID, wireless sensor networks, body sensor networks

38 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Keyless Authentication of Position and Velocity for VANETs

39 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering A Privacy-Preserving Trust Model for VANETs A trust-based privacy-preserving model for VANETs. The model is unique in its ability to protect privacy while maintaining accurate reputation-based trust. We use the notion of groups in order to make the VANET users anonymous within their groups and yet identifiable and accountable to their group managers. The use of groups simplifies the task of building reputation and calculating trust in the received messages in order to provide better and more confident decisions. Simulations verify correctness and reliability

40 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering A PUF-Based Ultra-Lightweight Mutual-Authentication RFID Protocol A novel approach to achieve mutual authentication for ultra-lightweight tags is proposed using Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Provide robust security properties as well as good performance for limited tags

41 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering TRACE: A Centralized Trust and Competence-Based Energy- Efficient Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Protect wireless sensor networks from various attacks and misbehaving nodes. TRACE identifies different types of bad nodes that can affect the correct routing operation and the reliability of the message delivery to the sink base station. Sink BS processes and validates the information received from the sensor nodes and calculates the maliciousness, competence, and cooperation levels of each node. The sink BS calculates trust values for each. TRACE accounts for the energy requirements of the severely-constrained network nodes by detecting and isolating the bad nodes while eliminating the power- consuming reputation inquiries and computations required by each node in a distributed approach.

42 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering A Decentralized Energy-Aware Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks WSN nodes are limited in terms of processing capabilities and battery life. –Encryption is usually avoided and the readings are sent in the clear. –Lightweight encryption techniques are proposed to overcome the limitations of sensor nodes. Identity-based encryption (IBE) that uses elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) seems to be very promising in terms of energy efficiency. We propose a novel decentralized IBE-based key management scheme that reduces the energy by using multiple base stations. The keys are pre-distributed in the WSN and refreshed at specific time intervals. The system ensures confidentiality of the messages and the availability of WSN service even when multiple nodes and base stations are compromised, at a significant reduction in overall system energy.

43 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Security and Privacy in Body Sensor Networks Study two main challenges in the body sensor network security and privacy context –Achieving the correct balance between the complexity of the protocol security operations employed and the energy consumption they incur –Attaining the right tradeoff between privacy and safety by utilizing the patients vital signals and other context-related information to minimize the amount of private data released We present a blueprint body sensor network security framework

44 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Typical Body Sensor Network Architecture

45 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses

46 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Courses Offered Cryptography and Computer Security Internet Security Wireless Security Information Security Management Network and Computer Security Laboratory

47 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory Description This laboratory addresses advanced network and computer security topics. Experiments include the execution of attacks, the setup of intrusion detection and prevention, securing computers and wired and wireless networks, and digital forensics.

48 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Topics Covered Section 1 Networking Basics - How do networks work? –Lab 1: Security Lab Setup and Networking Basics Section 2 Vulnerabilities and Threats - How can networks be compromised? –Lab 2: Scanning and Enumerating the Network for Targets and Address Spoofing –Lab 3: Denial of Service Attacks and Network Applications Exploits –Lab 4: Malware Analysis and Botnets –Lab 5: Escalating Privilege – Sniffing, Keylogging, Password Cracking and Man in the Middle Attacks –Lab 6: Security in Wireless Systems Section 3 Prevention - How do we prevent harm to the networks? –Lab 7: Firewalls –Lab 8: Hardening the Host Computer and Securing Network Communications Section 4 Detection and Response – How do we detect and respond to attacks? –Lab 9: Preparing for and Detecting Attacks –Lab 10: Identify and Mitigate Network Attacks –Lab 11: Digital Forensics

49 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab Overall Diagram

50 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lab Group Diagram

51 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cabinets Juniper IPS

52 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Photos

53 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Photos

54 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Potential Uses Customized training for industry Testing and benchmarking of equipment Vendor demonstrations Lab could potentially be virtualized to duplicate at low cost

55 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ITU Resolutions Relevant to AUB Collaboration ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 130: Strengthening the role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of information and communication technologies (Guadalajara, 2010) ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 130 ITU WTDC Resolution 45: Mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on cybersecurity, including combating spam (Hyderabad, 2010) ITU WTDC Resolution 45 ITU WTDC Resolution 69: Creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries, and cooperation between them (Hyderabad, 2010) ITU WTDC Resolution 69 ITU WTSA Resolution 58: Encourage the creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries (Johannesburg, 2008) ITU WTSA Resolution 58 UN Resolutions 57/239 (2002) and 58/199 (2004): Creation of a global culture of cybersecurity and the protection of critical information infrastructures57/239 (2002)58/199 (2004)

56 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Potential Collaboration Research projects Test lab for ITU-T standards conformance Contributions to standards (ITU-T SG17). Several of the questions for Study Group 17 are areas of research at AUB Organizing events (workshops, seminars) Capacity building and Awareness Help establish CERT (AUB Member of the PAN Arab Cyber Security Observatory)

57 AUB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Thank you

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