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BELLWORK: 12/5 What is classicism? How was this represented in Renaissance culture? What is skepticism? THINKER: A major theme in Renaissance literature.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 12/5 What is classicism? How was this represented in Renaissance culture? What is skepticism? THINKER: A major theme in Renaissance literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 12/5 What is classicism? How was this represented in Renaissance culture? What is skepticism? THINKER: A major theme in Renaissance literature was the government and how a King should rule; specifically, would it be better to rule through fear or love. So what do you think? As a leader, is it better to be feared or loved by your people? Explain! When you are done with bellwork, finish your note worksheet on Renaissance Literature from Monday!

2 Renaissance Literature
Machiavelli Shakespeare Stressed ideas of emotions, complexity, individualism, humanism Showed importance of the vernacular! Between 1590 and 1613 he wrote 37 plays that are still preformed around the world Machiavelli, wrote “The Prince”– advised kings on how to rule Within the Machiavellian way of thinking, people questioned the corruption of the government & church He argued it was better to be feared as a leader.

3 Shakespeare’s contribution to English

4 The Protestant Reformation
How skepticism, humanism, and education changed the church!

5 Let’s review! Before we study church Reformation & challenges to their power… Let’s review!  Brainstorm a list of problems people had with the church. Which do you feel was the most problematic???

6 Reformation: The Origins
Reformation: ( ) a change in the Church’s ways of practicing and teaching Christianity. Causes: Corruption of the pope & clergy Discontent over Church policies and practices Indulgences, mistranslation of Bible, threats Church authority over society Economic, military & political power

7 Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt!
THE MAIN IDEA!!! Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt!

8 The Protestant Reformation
In Germany, the movement for reform led to a split in the Church = Protestantism. The Protestant Reformation; led by Martin Luther. Luther was a monk and professor that criticized the power and corruption of the Catholic church in 1517. Famous for his “95 Theses” that criticized church practices


10 95 Theses: Luther’s Criticisms
Indulgences: paying for forgiveness. The Bible was only in Latin: this allowed the pope to translate it however he wanted. Luther’s supporters became known as Protestants because they protested against the church.

11 95 Theses: Luther’s Criticisms
Baptism Powers of clergy Removing sin Punishment for heresy Use of confession

12 Sale of Indulgences

13 Martin Luther Reading/Wkst
Since Martin Luther was the most famous reformist we are going to read about his changes and conflicts within the Catholic church. As you read, you must fill out this graphic organizer. I will check them for points once you are finished.

14 December 6th: No bellwork today!
Spend the first portion of class finishing your reading and worksheet on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Remember to summarize/simplify the information! The last box is most important! Focus on the effects! What does he help change? Be ready to discuss soon…….


16 Effects of Reformation

17 Effect #1: Change of Church Practices
Bible & religious services conducted in vernacular Limitations on church collection of taxes Separation of church & state (secularism) End of the Inquisition

18 Effect #2: New Religions Created
Protestantism (eventually Lutheranism) Faith in Christ & personal worship > works required by church Authority??? = Bible > Pope Church & state are separate Calvinism God has pre-determined path for everyone; theocracy (church-run state) Democratic structure Anglican Monarch is the head of church Church of England



21 Christian factions in the U.S.
Why is Anglican missing???

22 Effect #3: Catholic Reformation
Power was threatened by Protestant’s increasing popularity Catholic Church establishes council to change their practices: Eliminated indulgences Established seminaries to teach people about religion  individual practice! Introduced censorship

23 Crash Course: Protestant Reformation
How did the Protestant Reformation change corrupt church practices? List three ways! In your opinion, what was Martin Luther’s biggest accomplishment? Why?

24 December 6th: No bellwork today!
What were Luther’s complaints in 95 Theses? How did the Catholic Church respond to Luther? How did the Protestant Reformation change corrupt church practices? List three ways! THINKER: In your opinion, what was Martin Luther’s biggest accomplishment? Why?

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