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The Greek Gods.

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1 The Greek Gods

2 Zeus God of the gods & sky Son of Cronos and Rhea Married to Hera
Father to Ares, Hephaestus, Eris (with Hera) Father to Athena, Artemis, & Apollo and many others Symbol: Lightning/Thunderbolt Roman Name: Jupiter Additional notes: Overthrew his father, Cronos

3 Hera Queen of the gods & marriage Daughter of Cronos and Rhea
Wife to Zeus Mother to Ares, Hephaestus, & Eris Symbol: Peacock Roman Name: Juno Additional Notes: Bound Zeus & was punished for it.

4 Athena (Athene) Goddess of wisdom
Daughter of Zeus and Metis (a Titaness) Born from the head of Zeus Symbol: Owl Roman Name: Minerva Additional Notes: Athens is named for her; Created the spider

5 Poseidon God of the sea Son of Cronos and Rhea Wife: Amphitrite
Created the dolphin and the horse Symbol: trident Roman name: Neptune Stabbed his trident into the hillside of Attica & claimed it

6 Hades God of the underworld Son of Cronos and Rhea
Kidnapped Persephone (daughter of Demeter) and made her his queen Symbol: Helm of darkness Roman name: Pluto Richest of the gods

7 Demeter Goddess of the harvest/growing things
Daughter of Cronos and Rhea Mother to Persephone with Zeus Symbol: sheath of wheat Roman name: Ceres Created the seasons

8 Artemis Goddess of the moon The Maiden & The Huntress
Unmarried; no children Daughter of Zeus & Leto (a nymph) Symbol: silver bow & arrow Roman name: Diana Used her silver bow & arrow to kill a city of unjust men

9 Apollo God of prophecy, music, healing, and the sun
Son of Zeus and Leto (a nymph) unmarried Children: The Corybantes, Amphissus, Aristeus, & Asclepius Symbol: golden bow & arrows Roman name: Apollo Flayed the satyr Marsys alive and nailed him to a tree

10 Hermes The messenger god Son of Zeus and Maia (daughter of Atlas)
Wore winged sandals Symbol: caduceus Roman name: Mercury At five minutes old, he stole a herd of Apollo’s cows

11 Hephaestus God of blacksmithing and mechanics Son of Hera and Zeus
Married to Aphrodite Symbol: Blacksmith hammer, anvil, & tongs Roman name: Vulcan Was thrown from Olympus as a baby Raised by Thetis

12 Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty
Born from foam in the sea (from the primal murder of Uranus) Married to Hephaestus Symbol: girdle Mother of Eros (aka Cupid) Roman name: Venus

13 Ares God of war Son of Zeus and Hera
Uses his sister Eris to call forth war Bloodthirsty Loved and was loved by Aphrodite Symbol: spear/helmet Roman name: Mars

14 Dionysus God of vegetation and fruitfulness (and/or wine)
Son of Zeus and Semele Husband of Ariadne Symbol: grapevine Roman name: Bacchus

15 Hestia Goddess of the home and hearth Daughter of Cronos and Rhea
Symbol: the hearth and its fire Roman name: Vesta Is a member of the Pantheon but tends the hearth and does not have a throne

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