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“I don’t know how to read!” - NOT TRUE!

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Presentation on theme: "“I don’t know how to read!” - NOT TRUE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “I don’t know how to read!” - NOT TRUE!
Mrs. Jensen’s News October 22-26th, 2018 WE ARE LEARNING! We read several stories about fall and Halloween! Spiders were very interesting to learn about. * When reading, ask your child about the characters, setting, major events in the story and have them retell the story to you. Don’t forget to have them READ stories TO YOU--- “I don’t know how to read!” - NOT TRUE! Your child can read by looking at the pictures, looking at the words or by retelling the story. Remind your child that they can read and encourage them to grow as the readers they so deserve to be! We reviewed the letters Ff – Nn and the sounds they make. Knowing the letter sounds is more important than knowing the letter names. Knowing the letter sounds is important in order to be able to read. The letter naming will come later. We learned the sight words I, am, the, can, and and read a story called, Am I?. Your child will bring a story like this home every week. Please have them read it three times and return the signed slip. We learned about rhyming words. The ability to recognize and produce rhyming words is an important skill in learning how to read! We’ve become lean, mean rhyming machines!!! Please dress your child for the weather! They are outside early in the morning when the temperature can be chilly. Please label all of their clothing, including hats and mittens. Our new GREATNESS word: FOCUSED. Important Dates Oct. 31st – Fall Party Nov. 5th – No School/Staff Day Nov. 14th – Early 1:20 Nov rd – Thanksgiving break Homework Practice recognizing and writing the letters (Aa - Nn) and talk about the sounds they make and words that start with them. Watch for math homework. Sometimes a little extra reinforcement at home is helpful. Practice our sight words often. Encourage your child to write sentences using the sight words. Mrs. Jensen

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