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Published byGotthilf Kästner Modified over 6 years ago
Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo for non-Abelian field theories?
Pavel Buividovich (Regensburg University) DIMOCA workshop, September 2017, Mainz
Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo for dense QCD and sign problem
So far lattice strong-coupling expansion: (leading order or few lowest orders) Worldlines of quarks/mesons/baryons Confining strings Very good approximation! Physical degrees of freedom! Phase diagram, tri-critical X Hadron spectrum, potentials X Bosonic part is most difficult …
Strong- vs weak-coupling expansions
Confinement Dynamical mass gap generation ARE NATURAL for SC, BUT… Continuum physics is at weak-coupling! At N->∞, phase transition between strong and weak coupling, in any volume
In this talk So far, the strategy is often this
Start with the action Sign problem? Find alternative representation (duality, Feynman rules, …) Use Monte-Carlo sampling on dual variables … so far Abelian, SU(2), Abelian color cycles… Both strong and weak-coupling expansions for non-Abelian SU(N) gauge theories (or sigma-models) are so far difficult
In this talk Anyway, to go to continuum we need high orders of strong- or weak-coupling expansions How to generate complicated bosonic series automatically /by Monte-Carlo?
In this talk Alternative Monte-Carlo approach based on Schwinger-Dyson equations Unlike FUNctional methods, it is potentially exact Best suitable for large-N limit Avoids explicit duality transforms/action manipulations Unifies expansion parameterization with sampling algorithm
Starter: finite-N matrix model
Consider 0D matrix field theory (finite-N matrix model) Path integral unbounded (Monte-Carlo impossible!!!) BUT exists in the framework of 1/N expansion Leading order: planar diagrams (can be drawn on sphere), each vertex ~ λ Higher-genus Can we devise e.g. worm algorithm for such diagrams?
Schwinger-Dyson equations
Let’s write down Schwinger-Dyson equations Full set of observables: multi-trace correlators Factorized solution in the large-N limit:
Schwinger-Dyson equations
Diagrams with L legs and M vertices Diagrams with L’<=L+2 legs and M-1 vertices Recursive solution yields perturbative series
Stochastic solution of linear equations
Schwinger-Dyson equations can be always cast in linear form (although they might admit equivalent and simpler non-linear forms) Formal series solution gives rise to perturbation theory Let’s explicitly write the solution as A(X | Y) matrix is very sparse Evaluate the sum over n and X0 … Xn using Monte-Carlo!!!
Solution using the Metropolis algorithm:
Stochastic solution of linear equations Assume: A(X|Y), b(X) are positive, |eigenvalues| < 1 Solution using the Metropolis algorithm: Sample sequences {Xn, …, X0} with the weight Basic transitions: Add new index Xn+1 , Remove index Restart
Stochastic solution of linear equations
With probability p+: Add index step With probability (1-p+): Remove index/Restart Ergodicity: any sequence can be reached (unless A(X|Y) has some block-diagonal structure) Acceptance probabilities (no detailed balance, Metropolis-Hastings) Parameter p+ can be tuned to reach optimal acceptance Probability distribution of N(X) is crucial to asses convergence Finally: make histogram of the last element Xn in the sequence Solution φ(X) , normalization factor
Practical implementation
Keeping the whole sequence{Xn, …, X0} in memory is not practical (size of X can be quite large) Use the sparseness of A(X | Y) , remember the sequence of transitions Xn→ Xn+1 Every transition is a summand in a symbolic representation of SD equations Every transition is a “drawing” of some element of diagrammatic expansion (either weak- or strong-coupling one) Save: current diagram history of drawing Need DO and UNDO operations for every diagram element Construction of algorithms is almost automatic and can be nicely combined with symbolic calculus software (e.g. Mathematica)
Sign problem and reweighting
Now lift the assumptions A(X | Y) > 0 , b(X)>0 Use the absolute value of weight for the Metropolis sampling Sign of each configuration: Define Effectively, we solve the system The expansion has smaller radius of convergence Reweighting fails if the system approaches the critical point (one of eigenvalues approach 1) One can only be saved by a suitable reformulation of equations which makes the sign problem milder
DiagMC for φ4 matrix model
Basic operations of “diagram drawing”: Insert line Merge singlet operators Create vertex
MC history of diagram order: ϕ4 matrix model
Large autocorrelation time and large fluctuations near the phase transition
Numerical results [From Marino,Schiappa,Weiss ]
Intermediate resume The algorithm is ideal for models involving planar (fixed genus) diagrams with positive weights: Planar surfaces on the lattice (link with meson scattering amplitudes and Veneziano formula) [Makeenko,Olesen,Armoni,PB,…] Planar φ4 theory
Strong-coupling expansion: U(N) matrix model
Diagram-counting interpretation not straightforward and not universal Diagram weights non-positive, sign problem Some kind of “sign blessing” also happens here
SU(N) principal chiral model
Approaching QCD: SU(N) principal chiral model Non-Abelian theory Asymptotic freedom Classical action is scale invariant Dynamical non-perturbative mass gap generation Admits large-N limit Perturbative series
Perturbative expansion it should be first-principle and automatic
Take N->∞ to reduce diagram space Small fluctuations of SU(N) fields Map SU(N) to Hermitian matrices Cayley map
“Perturbative” action
Expand action and Jacobian in φ Infinitely many interaction vertices
SU(N) principal chiral model
Power series in t’Hooft λ? Factorial growth even at large N due to IR renormalons … [Bali, Pineda] Can be sampled, but resummation difficult …Bare mass term ~λ from Jacobian??? [a-la Fujikawa for axial anomaly] Massive planar fields Suitable for DiagMC ? How to expand in λ? Count vertices !??
Counting powers of λ l bare propagators = lines
Consider a planar diagram: f faces = loop momenta v vertices ~ λ ~ m02 l bare propagators = lines In planar limit, f – l + v = 2 Standard power counting Wk can only contain: Λ2UV, m20, m40/ Λ2UV , …. … Times probably logs !!!???
Minimal working example: 2D O(N) sigma model @ large N
Non-perturbative mass gap Cayley map Jacobian reads Again, bare mass term from the Jacobian… [PB, ]
O(N) sigma model @ large N
Full action in new coordinates We blindly do perturbation theory [with A.Davody] Only cactus diagrams @ large N
Trans-series and Resurgence
From our perturbative expansion we get Same for PCM!!! Resurgent trans-series [Écalle,81] PT Zero modes Classical solutions [Argyres,Dunne,Unsal,…,2011-present]
O(N) sigma model @ large N
Relative error of mass vs. order M Numerical evidence of convergence!!!
O(N) sigma model @ large N
Relative error of mass vs. order M Numerical evidence of convergence!!!
O(N) sigma model @ large N
Convergence rate: first extremum in ε(M) Has physical scaling!!! Similar to critical slowing-down in Monte-Carlo
Back to SU(N): Schwinger-Dyson eqs
Scalar field theory with infinitely many interaction vertices (momentum-dependent) Some interaction vertices have negative weight reweighting + sign problem? Sign cancellations also in observables
DiagMC for matrix field theory model
Basic operations of “diagram drawing”: Insert line Merge singlet operators Create vertex The two new momenta are {p,-p} Probability distributions proportional to bare propagators
Sign problem at high orders
Mean sign decays exponentially with order Limits practical simulations to orders ~ 10 Sign problem depends on spacing, not volume
Restoration of SU(N)xSU(N) symmetry
Perturbative vacuum not SU(N)xSU(N) symm. Symmetry seems to be restored at high orders Restoration is rather slow
Mean link vs expansion order
Good agreement with N->∞ extrapolation Convergence slower than for standard PT MC Data from [Vicari, Rossi, Campostrini’94-95]
Mean link vs expansion order
Wrong or no convergence after large-N phase transition (λ > λc = 3.27 ) [hep-lat/ ]
Long-distance correlators
Constant values at large distances, consistent with <1/N tr gx> > 0 Converges slower than standart PT, but IR-finite
Finite temperature (phase) transition?
Weak enhancement of correlations at L0 ~ [P.B.,Valgushev, ]
Resume - Sign problem vs. Standard MC
Weak-coupling DiagMC in the large-N limit: + IR-finite, convergent series + Volume-independent algorithm - Sign problem vs. Standard MC - Slower convergence than standard PT - Starts with symmetry-breaking vacuum - Finite-density matter: complex propagators
Outlook Resummation of logs: Easy in mean-field-approximation
(for O(N) sigma-model just one exponent) DiagMC with mean-field (Bold DiagMC)??? … Not easy in non-Abelian case … Matrix-valued Lagrange multipliers
Outlook - No continuum extrapolation + Sign problem really reduced
DiagMC based on strong-coupling expansion? + Sign problem really reduced + Volume-independent + Correct vacuum from the very beginning + Hadrons/mass gap/confinement are natural - No continuum extrapolation ? In practice, high-order SC expansion can work „reasonably“ well even in the scaling region …
Large-N gauge theory in the Veneziano limit
Gauge theory with the action t-Hooft-Veneziano limit: N -> ∞, Nf -> ∞, λ fixed, Nf/N fixed Only planar diagrams contribute! connection with strings Factorization of Wilson loops W(C) = 1/N tr P exp(i ∫dxμ Aμ): Better approximation for real QCD than pure large-N gauge theory: meson decays, deconfinement phase etc.
Large-N gauge theory in the Veneziano limit
Lattice action: No EK reduction in the large-N limit! Center symmetry broken by fermions. Naive Dirac fermions: Nf is infinite, no need to care about doublers!!! (But axial anomaly physics might be subtle, mind the signature of γ5) Basic observables: Wilson loops = closed string amplitudes Wilson lines with quarks at the ends = open string amplitudes Zigzag symmetry for QCD strings!!!
Infinite hierarchy of quadratic equations!
Migdal-Makeenko loop equations Loop equations in the closed string sector: Loop equations in the open string sector: Infinite hierarchy of quadratic equations! [Migdal,Makeenko,Eguchi,Kawai,…, 198x]
Loop equations illustrated
Quadratic term Iterations of loop equations generate hopping/strong-coupling expansion
Main difficulty In gauge theory, Wilson loops have
“zigzag symmetry” [Polyakov, hep-th/ ] Along with “useful loops”, we produce a lot of “trash loops” Their cancellations are important for “straightforward” loop equations Solution: loop equations in the space of irreducible loops, sort of gauge fixing Equations become more complicated
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