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Persuasion See It My Way.

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1 Persuasion See It My Way

2 What Is Persuasion? Persuasion is a type of writing designed to change the way a reader or listener thinks or acts. Persuasive writing can be found in speeches newspaper editorials essays articles advertisements

3 Building an Argument A sound persuasive argument consists of
a clearly stated opinion relevant reasons for that opinion evidence that supports each reason Evidence may take the form of facts, statistics, examples, anecdotes, or expert testimony. Much persuasion also includes a call to action.

4 Types of Persuasive Appeals
Logical appeals focus on facts in order to persuade the audience’s brain that the writer’s opinion is correct. Spaying Fluffy will prevent her from getting certain types of cancer. Emotional appeals attempt to persuade the audience’s heart of the writer’s opinion. If Fluffy is spayed, she will be a healthier, happier companion. Ethical appeals target the audience’s sense of duty or of right and wrong. Preventing unwanted litters is everyone’s responsibility.

5 Persuasive Techniques
Persuasive techniques, also called propaganda techniques, often appeal to the audience’s emotions or ethics. Such techniques include loaded words glittering generalities bandwagon appeals testimonials

6 Persuasive Techniques
Loaded words carry strong emotional associations. Our volleyball team won the tournament, pulverizing the Jarvis High team in the final. Glittering generalities are a kind of loaded words. These overwhelmingly positive statements ignore any evidence to the contrary. Laugh-a-Minute is unquestionably the funniest television series ever to air.

7 Persuasive Techniques
Bandwagon appeals imply that “everyone” agrees with the writer’s opinion and warn readers or listeners not to be left out by disagreeing or failing to act. Clearly, no one opposes recycling. Don’t be considered a dinosaur by failing to recycle. Testimonials are endorsements by well-known people or by people with whom the audience identifies. “After I won the Super Bowl, what I wanted most was a big bowl of Malloy’s Chicken Chowder.” “Moms like me know that nothing keeps kids going like Malloy’s Chicken Chowder.”

8 Faulty Arguments Common kinds of faulty reasoning, or fallacies, to watch for include circular reasoning hasty generalization name-calling either-or reasoning false cause and effect

9 Faulty Arguments Circular reasoning occurs when the reason for an opinion is simply the opinion stated in different words. Audrey Marlowe is the best singer in the world because she’s so talented and good at what she does. A hasty generalization is a statement based on insufficient evidence. A student driver struck a post last week; if we allow students to leave campus for lunch, accidents will increase tenfold.

10 Faulty Arguments Name-calling, also known as an ad hominem attack, occurs when a writer attacks a person who holds an opposing view rather than attacking the view itself. © 2003 People who think students should remain on campus for lunch are cowards who hate freedom.

11 Faulty Arguments Either-or reasoning occurs when a writer describes a situation as though there were only two choices when in fact there may be several options. If you love cats, you obviously hate dogs. False cause and effect occurs when a writer asserts that because one event follows another, the first event must have caused the second. Wearing the new uniforms, our track team lost; therefore, we must return to wearing the old uniforms immediately.

12 What Have You Learned? 1. Which kind of appeal does this statement make? In a democracy, it is every citizen’s duty to vote. a. logical b. emotional c. ethical 2. A sports star who endorses a soft drink is offering a. loaded words b. bandwagon appeal c. testimonial 3. Stating that people who disagree with the writer’s opinion are selfish is an example of a. name-calling b. either-or reasoning c. false cause and effect

13 The End

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