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Unit Exam Study Review Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

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1 Unit Exam Study Review Chapters 4, 5, and 6

2 Questions 4 The National Government has the power to coin money. What kind of power is that? One of the National Governments obligations to the States is to protect them from what?

3 Answers An Expressed Power
Protection for Invasion from a foreign power

4 Question 4 A Grant that provides assistance for low-income sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease is what kind of grant? What Clause states that each State must respect and recognize the validity of actions taken in other States? The Framers chose a federal system in order to limit the National Governments What?

5 Answers A categorical grant The Full Faith and Credit Clause Power

6 Question 5 What is the termed used to describe a group of people with shared ideas who seek to control government? When Party leaders pressure a member of their own party to resign because of ethics violations this is what kind of function? The Federalist parties main political goal was to achieve what?

7 Answers A Political Party Bonding Agent function
The building of a stronger National Government

8 Question 5 Which party has dominated the Federal Government in recent decades? The Free Soil Party is what type/kind of political party? What kind of structure do the major political parties in the United States have?

9 Answers neither of the major parties this particular era is know as the “Era of divided Government” Single-Issue party A highly decentralized structure that mimics the nature of the American Governmental system.

10 Question 6 The Constitution gives who the power to set suffrage (voting) qualifications? The 24th Amendment states that , no State can do what? What requirement states that a new resident within a new state must wait no more than 30 days to be able to vote for the President or Vice President?

11 Answers The States Require payment of any tax as a condition for voting for President or Vice President. Residency requirements

12 Question 6 What Congressional Act banns the use of discriminatory voting registration requirements. The provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that requires prior approval by the Justice Department before election laws in certain States can be changed is called what. What is the main reason for 80 million people not voting in the 2008 election?

13 Answers The Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Preclearance Provision
Lack of Interest

14 Key Terms 4 What is the congressional act that enables a state to join the union?

15 Answer act of admission

16 Key Terms 4 What is the congressional act directing a U.S. territory to frame a proposed State constitution?

17 Answer enabling act

18 Key Terms 4 What are the powers held only by the National Government?

19 Answers exclusive powers

20 Key terms 4 What Clause states that no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its residents and those of other States?

21 Answer The Privileges and Immunities Clause

22 Key Terms 4 What Clause declares that the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land”?

23 Answer The Supremacy Clause

24 Key Terms 4 What is the name of the legal process by which a fugitive from justice is returned to the original prosecuting state?

25 Answers Extradition Process

26 Key terms 5 Parties that split from a major party are called?

27 Splinter Parties

28 Key terms 5 What is the term used when describing someone who is running for re-election, What are they called?

29 Answer An incumbent

30 Key terms 5 What term is used when saying that two political parties are working together. They are practicing?

31 Answers Bipartisanship/bipartisan

32 Key Terms 5 What is the name of the system in which elected officials give public offices to political supporters?

33 Answer The spoils system

34 Key Term 5 What is the smallest unit of election administration.

35 Answer Precinct

36 Key Term 5 What is it called when several groups create a temporary alliance and come together to form a working majority?

37 Answers Coalition

38 Key terms 6 What is it called when shady tactics are used when drawing electoral district lines to limit a group’s voting strength?

39 Answer It is termed Gerrymandering

40 Key Term 6 What is it called when a court order is filed compelling or restraining a certain action from taking place?

41 Answer Injunction

42 Key Term 6 What is the name of process by which people gain their political opinions and knowledge base?

43 Answers Political socialization

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