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Critical Thinking Today, you will have 2 minutes to complete the following. Write your answer on a piece of paper with your name on it and turn it.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking Today, you will have 2 minutes to complete the following. Write your answer on a piece of paper with your name on it and turn it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking Today, you will have 2 minutes to complete the following. Write your answer on a piece of paper with your name on it and turn it in if you think you have the answer.

2 You have a bag with four candy bars in it
You have a bag with four candy bars in it. You promised to give each of your three friends a candy bar, and you want one for yourself. How can you accomplish this, and still have one candy bar left in the bag?

3 Answer Take a candy bar for yourself. Then take out two more and give them to two of your friends. Give your third friend the bag with the third candy bar still in it. Or, give each friend a candy bar and keep the candy bar in the bag for yourself.

4 Goals for the Day I can analyze how details impact the meaning of a sentence. I can utilize various strategies to help me answer AP Multiple Choice Questions.

5 Reminders Bring $5 for Albert to me or Ms. Loete as soon as possible. Vocabulary Quiz #5 will be on Monday – don’t forget to study.

6 Voice Lesson – Detail Consider:
The truck lurched down the goat path, over the bridge and swung south toward El Puerto. I watched carefully all that we left behind. We passed Rosie’s house and at the clothesline right at the edge of the cliff there was a young girl hanging out brightly colored garments. She was soon lost in the furrow of dust the truck raised. - Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima Discuss: Circle the words that provide specific detail and contribute to the power of the passage. Contrast the third sentence with: We passed Rosie’s house and saw a girl hanging out the clothes. Explain the difference in impact. Apply: Rewrite the passage eliminating the specific detail. Then write down how the elimination of detail changes the meaning of the passage? When you finish, staple all five of the detail Voice Lessons together and turn them in.

7 Clear off your desk You will have exactly 35 minutes to read the two passages and complete the questions that follow. If you run out of time, remember it is better to guess than to run out of time and leave items blank. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you find yourself struggling with a question, skip it and come back to it later. Be sure you have time to answer questions you know you can answer correctly.

8 Academic Vocabulary Quiz
When you finish with your AP Multiple Choice Test, open to Socrative. 2. Login to Bauer2016 3. Type your first name and last name 4. You have exactly 25 minutes to complete the quiz.

9 Homework: Reminder: Vocabulary Quiz #5 - Monday
Read pages in your Textbook. Complete the Activities on page 27 and 29 – both are up on Classroom. Write a journal on the following topic: “These days its better to face the music than have to listen to it.” Think about this quote. Then write a journal where you argue whether or not Modern Music is losing its Appeal. Use appropriate evidence from past readings, observations, and/or experiences to support your claim. Take a clear stance – no middle ground. The journal should be 2-3 paragraphs and you may only use 2 weak verbs (be, being, been, is, am, are, was, were, have, has, had). Use at least 3 vocabulary words from weeks 1-5 – underline them in your journal. Use at least one Metaphor, one example of hyperbole, and one example of personification – highlight each of them.

10 SOAPSTONe and Rhetorical Appeal
Take out your exercises on page 6 and page 20. Open your book to page 6.

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