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Welcome to the South Thames Foundation School
Information for F2 Trainees August 2011
STFS – contacts reminder
1 school, 3 offices 1 advice e mail – Enquiries checked daily Policies on STFS website
The role of STFS Brighton – F2 allocation and sign-off
London Bridge – policy and communications Tooting – F1 allocation and sign-off Trainees needing to meet STFS staff can attend local office
New website – easier to navigate and with lots of information
New website – easier to navigate and with lots of information. Feedback welcome.
STFS communications You must maintain e mail address and check it weekly – do not auto-forward as original e mail service may close STFS currently recommends as available in all trusts – if you use another you must inform STFS and ensure functioning (avoid hotmail etc as spam filters block STFS mails) Enables information about GMC registration, careers etc to be sent out - to help you STFS bulletins sent regularly – also available on website All new information also on STFS website Please do check the information sent regularly so you don’t miss anything
An example of one of the bulletins
National information
New curriculum New reference guide (national policies) Other information
e-LFH e learning modules for foundation
useful to support your experiential learning, eg Safe Prescribing to catch up if you miss a teaching session User names and passwords should have been supplied for all of your foundation doctors
Your trust should provide you with:
Appropriate learning experience 3 hours+/ week bleep-free education eg teaching sessions, teaching ward rounds, clinics etc Training compliant with European working time regulations (EWTR) Educational supervision Access to careers advice / guidance Representation at local faculty group via elected F2 representative
Protecting patients (and you) F2 doctors must NOT
Site mark (except under direct supervision by the operator) Inject contrast unless trained to do so Detailed document on roles and responsibilities of foundation doctors on the STFS website
Protecting patients (2)
F2 doctors must NOT: initiate or administer cytotoxic or immunosuppressant drugs (except corticosteroids) F2 doctors should ONLY: prescribe the above drugs following training and when assessed as competent to do so
Protecting yourself (and patients)
Flu vaccine Reduces sick leave (and pressure on colleagues) Will be available via Occupational Health Is much less unpleasant than genuine influenza
Consent Taking consent is the responsibility of the doctor performing the procedure If a FD is not capable of carrying out a procedure, s/he may only obtain consent for it when trained to do so, directly supervised, and under delegation from the experienced doctor carrying out that procedure This refers to procedures which the F2 doctor is NOT competent to undertake
F2 sign-off (1) in order to achieve your FACD you must:
Have no more than 4 weeks non-statutory leave in the year (if more is likely, contact STFS) Attend at least 70% of your F2 teaching sessions Provide evidence of involvement in audit It is also strongly recommended that you carry out a leadership project – documentation on e-portfolio (eg implementing changes following an audit)
F2 sign-off (2) you must: Possess a valid advanced life support (or equivalent) certificate or record of attendance Complete e-portfolio Complete required assessments satisfactorily*: 6+ mini-CEX 6+ CBDs 3 DOPS 1-2 multi-source feedbacks *assessments should be spread throughout the year, with 5+ in each 4/12 rotation and 8 to be done by January STFS training package on assessments on - you might wish to complete this before you start your specialty training
F2 sign-off (3) you must: Maintain your e-portfolio, including evidence that you have maintained and improved your skills (for example by being able to help others) in procedures required by the GMC for F1 sign-off (eg a list or logbook of the procedures, or DOPS) This is to show that F1 procedural skills have been retained and developed further
List of skills required by the GMC for F1 sign-off
IV infusions inc. fluids, blood and blood products Perform and interpret ECG, spirometry and peak flow Urethral catheterisation (male and female) Airway care NG tube insertion Venepuncture /IV cannulation Use of local anaesthetics Arterial puncture (adult) Blood cultures Injection (SC/ID/IM/IV) Prepare and give IV meds The F2 presentation contains a slide that refers to “List of Skills Required for F1 Sign-off”. Please note that this is not a mistake. The Foundation Programme Curriculum (2007) requires F2 doctors to maintain and improve their skills in the procedures required by the GMC for successful completion of F1. By the end of F2, Foundation Doctors should be able to help others with difficult procedures and guide F1 Doctors in teaching others. We should be grateful if you would remind them of this during the presentation.
F2 sign-off (4) you must: Include evidence in your learning portfolio that you meet other curriculum and statutory requirements such as: ALS or equivalent (ATLS/IMPACT are not valid for sign-off but are useful in addition to ALS) child protection training Child protection training is a national and SHA imperative. The level gained should be appropriate to the posts carried out by the foundation doctor A “Safe Guarding Children and Young People – Level 1” module will be available on the e-Learning for Healthcare system from August 2009 –
F2 sign-off (5) You must: Engage with quality management processes. Feedback is essential to monitor and improve medical training. This includes completing the GMC national online trainee survey, which assesses the quality of your training local end of placement questionnaire(s) – via e-portfolio academic placement questionnaire (if applicable) a destination questionnaire before you leave* - via e-portfolio *Destinations for your predecessors on STFS website It doesn’t take long Less long than writing e mails disputing the fact that it’s mandatory
Asking for advice Usually ask locally first, eg your educational supervisor or FTPD STFS need to know if it may affect your training programme, eg: You need to be away, for example for maternity leave You are having problems with your training If so please check the policy and deadlines on and contact
Feedback to STFS Foundation programme trainee representative at all trusts – can raise issues locally Trainee representatives at STFS committees – inform and influence future directions Online and brief paper (pre-visit) questionnaires – please contribute as your views are valued!
Careers Careers support and resources available in your trust
ROADS book – and four stage approach to career management Up to 5 days of study leave can be taken as a ‘taster’ to explore career options – good to arrange early before specialty recruitment this winter for further ideas is the national careers website
Careers “An extensive choice of information relating to medical careers is now available…” Collins 2010. Careers support and resources available in your trust ROADS book – and four stage approach to career management Informal short one-2-one career sessions Group teaching introducing specialty applications & selection Virtual STFS career fair Selection centres for specialty training DVD Up to 5 days of study leave can be taken as a ‘taster’ to explore career options – good to arrange early before specialty recruitment this winter for further ideas is the national careers website. Please mention what is available locally for your foundation doctors.
Careers Referral to STFS careers team:
Enjoy your foundation training – and good luck with your specialty application
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