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Add and delete entries.

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Presentation on theme: "Add and delete entries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Add and delete entries

2 Navigate to the Support tab
Click to open TEdit You can construct a new dataset from scratch, or add to an existing dataset.

3 Start by adding any elements you need to your thermo dataset.
Right click → add Enter the new element’s name, symbol, and molecular weight, then click Apply.

4 Supply the properties of new Basis species
Add new Basis species. Right click → add Specify a reference Supply the properties of new Basis species For Cd++, select the element Cd and set its coefficient to 1

5 Supply the properties of the new species
Add a new Redox species, Aqueous species, Mineral, or Gas to the dataset. Right click → add Supply the properties of the new species Choose from the list of species to construct a reaction involving existing species.

6 Supply log K for the reaction you’ve constructed at the principal temperatures
indicates no data A negative coefficient puts the species on the left side of the reaction

7 You can delete elements or species from a dataset
You can delete elements or species from a dataset. All dependent species will also be deleted. Right click → remove

8 Save your changes by going to File → Save As… or File → Save

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