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Philip II, King of Spain ( )

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1 Philip II, King of Spain (1556-98)

2 Philip II presided over the Golden Age of Spain and sought to consolidate Spain, the Netherlands, parts of Italy and the New World.

3 Philip II extensively supervised the work of all his government departments in order to maintain a strict control of Spain.

4 Philip II was often unable to distinguish trivial and important matters due to his refusal to delegate authority to others. (Philip II and Yosemite Sam have small legs)

5 “If God used the Escorial [royal palace where Philip worked] to deliver my death sentence, I would be immortal.” –Spanish official

6 Philip II enforced militant Catholicism by using the Spanish Inquisition and establishing strong monarchical authority at great expense

7 Protestant rebellions proved costly for Philip and resulted in independent northern Dutch provinces

8 The Spanish Armada was soundly defeated by British fleets in 1588 and England remained Protestant.

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