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Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Lecture 15

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1 Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Lecture 15
Some more stuff, more formal then previously. See “Foundations of Cryptography, Basic tools”, by Oded Goldreich

2 Strong One-Way Functions
A function f:{0,1}*  {0,1}* is called strongly one way if the following hold: Easy to compute f in polynomial time Hard to invert: For every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A’, every positive polynomial p(), and all sufficiently large n’s:

3 Weak One-Way Functions
A function f:{0,1}*  {0,1}* is called weakly one way if the following hold: Easy to compute f in polynomial time Slightly hard to invert: there exists a positive polynomial p(), such that for every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A’, and all sufficiently large n’s:

4 Weak One-way functions imply strong one-way functions
f is a weak one way function, and p() is the polynomial such that for every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A’, and all sufficiently large n’s:

5 Weak One-way functions imply strong one-way functions
f is a weak one way function, let p() be the polynomial for which we define t(n)=n p(n) and define g as follows: Inverting g on g(y1,y2,…, yt(n)) involves finding f--1(yj)

6 Weak One-way functions imply strong one-way functions
f is a weak one way function, we want to argue that g is a strong one way function. Alternately, we will show that if g is not a strong one way function, then f is not a weak one way function.

7 Weak One-way functions imply strong one-way functions
if g is not a strong one way function: there exists a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm B’ and a polynomial q() such that for infinitely many m’s:

8 Weak One-way functions imply strong one-way functions
Using B’, we now show that f is not weakly one way, one input y, n=|y|: Repeat a(n)=2n2 q(n2p(n)) times: for i=1 to t(n) do select x1,… , xt(n) from Un replace the i’th x with y feed the conactenated xi’s to B’ check if f-1(y) was computed

9 Hard core predicates f is one-way does not say that we cannot learn some partial information about f-1(y) A polynomial time computable predicate b:{0,1}*  {0,1}* is called a hard core of a function f if for every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A’, every positive polynomial p(), and all sufficiently large n’s:

10 Hard core predicates for any one way function
Let f be an arbitrary one-way function, and let g be defined by g(x,r) = f(x) || r. Let b(x,r) denote the inner product of the binary vectors x and r, then b is a hard core for the function g. Generalization: hard core functions (indistinguishable)

11 Psuedorandom generators
Let f be a length preserving 1-1 strongly one way function, and let b a hard core predicate for f. Then The seqeunce (b(s), b(f(s)), b(f(f(s)), … is psuedorandom

12 What does this mean? You assume that AES is weakly one way:
You want a provably psuedorandom sequence for stream encryption. You start by producing a strongly one way function which involves polynomially many applications of AES You take the total output and xor it with a random string r, this gives you one bit of your stream You then apply the strong one way function again, and repeat. This is very expensive (obviously), but then, it suffices that AES be only weakly one way for you to be safe.

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