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Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From the book of Matthew.”

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Presentation on theme: "Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From the book of Matthew.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From the book of Matthew.” Last week we studied Jesus’ encounter with the two men that were demon possessed. (SLIDE) This week we are going to look at a very familiar account about Jesus healing a paralytic. (SLIDE)

2 Jesus Forgives Sins While both Mark and Luke give us much more detail about this specific account Matthew only focuses on one main aspect which is (SLIDE) When one looks to Mark’s account (Mark 2:1-12) and Luke’s account (Luke 5:17-26) we see the whole picture and context of what is going on. Not surprisingly there are some things of note we should consider. (SLIDE)

3 Things To Consider Jesus’ popularity was immense
Jewish leaders had come from all over. The house was so crowded no one could get in. Jesus’ popularity was immense (SLIDE) Luke 5:17 they came “from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem.” (SLIDE) Mark 2:2 “not even at the door.”

4 Things To Consider Jesus’ popularity was immense
Jesus’ miraculous ability came from another source That source is the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ miraculous ability came from another source. You have heard me say plenty of times “The Holy Spirit is the one that actually performed the miracles for man.” (SLIDE) Notice Luke 5:17 “And the power of the Lord was with Him to heal.” NASB95 has “and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing.” NIV (updated) “and the power of the Lord was present with Jesus to heal the sick.” Why did Jesus not perform miracles until after He was baptized and given the Holy Spirit…because it is the Holy Spirit who performs such miracles.

5 Things To Consider Jesus’ popularity was immense
Jesus’ miraculous ability came from another source The paralytic had good faithful friends Notice the dedication they have. The paralytic had good faithful friends. (SLIDE) Mark 2:4 “And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.”

6 Things To Consider Jesus’ popularity was immense
Jesus’ miraculous ability came from another source The paralytic had good faithful friends Jesus had the authority to forgive sins This was the greatest need Jesus had the authority to forgive sins. Why did Jesus forgive this man’s sins rather than heal him…(SLIDE)…this was the man’s greatest need!!!

7 Jesus Forgives Sins Brothers and sisters Jesus Christ our Messiah demonstrated great things in this account. He demonstrated God’s power by healing the man. He demonstrated His deity and love for mankind by forgiving the man’s sins.


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