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Open Access: Data Protection, Storage and Sharing Caroline Dominey.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Access: Data Protection, Storage and Sharing Caroline Dominey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Access: Data Protection, Storage and Sharing Caroline Dominey

2 Open Access is all about sharing research freely and openly - Data Protection Act is all about protecting people's rights in respect to how information about them is used. - Freedom of Information provides right to access official information held by public authorities - Confidentiality in maintaining Trade Secrets & commercial interests etc

3 Data Protection Act FAIR PROCESSING Fair Open and transparent Justified Reasonable SECURITY Technical and Operational Measures to protect against Unauthorised Access Damage to the Data Loss of Data

4 1.Can we ensure fair processing of personal data when its deposited in Open Access archives? If so, how? 2.How can we ensure the security of personal and confidential data throughout the research process and into Open Access Archives?

5 Fair Processing Consent Information for research participants Contractual Clauses Anonymisation (Raw Data vs. Articles) Ethics User Licences Dark Archive

6 What to tell participants? Standard information (who you are, what youre researching etc) What information are you collecting (photos, personal experiences)? Who will have access to the data? Can you guarantee that identities will be protected? Will data be placed in an archive? Who will be able to access this? What are they consenting to?

7 Anonymisation Is it necessary? Oral histories, profiles Time consuming Removal of direct identifiers Removal of indirect identifiers Devalue research data? Research publications vs outputs

8 Security Encryption (portable devices) Complex passwords Do not exchange data using cloud/email unless encrypted Backup data (and test it periodically) Ensure confidential data is secure in locked offices, cabinets. Take care when disposing of devices/records that hold or accessed sensitive data Dark Archive

9 The Universitys Dark Archive will be part of the institutional repository where completed data sets which are not suitable to be made available on OA can be stored.

10 Freedom of Information Exemptions 1.Information already accessible 2.Information to be published at a future date 3.Personal information 4.Prejudice to commercial interests

11 Questions? Caroline Dominey Records Manager Tel. 01392 263033

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