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Using GPS Collars to Monitor

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1 Using GPS Collars to Monitor
Mountain Lions (Puma concolor) in the Santa Monica Mountains, California Lena Lee Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Mediterranean Coast Network

2 Project Background Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization can have significant impacts on wildlife movement and survival, especially large carnivores such as mountain lions.

3 Project Background

4 Project Background Since 2002, park biologists have been using GPS collars to study the behavior, ecology, and conservation of mountain lions in and around the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

5 Project Background VHF radio-collars not feasible to use for mountain lions Accuracy associated with VHF telemetry is poor Get more data from GPS collars Less staff time involved

6 GPS Collar Selection We chose to use GPS collars (not satellite) that had the ability to transmit the data back to the biologist (not just ‘stor-on-board’). Limited selection of GPS collars at the beginning of the project (today, there are lots more to choose from).

7 GPS Collar Selection In the end, the selection of Televilt GPS collars was based on our VHF radio-collar sales representative.

8 Televilt GPS Collars Huge up-front investment ($$$)
To date we have used 3 different collar models: Simplex Tellus (VHF) Tellus (GSM)

9 Televilt GPS Collars Collars are programmed to collect points on a user-defined schedule. Except for the GSM model, data retrieved via a reciever. Data from reciever is then transferred to the computer. Points are “cleaned up” before they are mapped.

10 Simplex Earliest model
Data can only be obtained through a scheduled download No drop-off ~54% points

11 Tellus (VHF) Currently in use (2 lions)
Lighter in weight than the Simplex More points collected per battery life Data download is remotely triggered Drop off capability ~78% points

12 Tellus (GSM) Data is transmitted back to manufacturer every time collar is within range of a cell phone tower Data can then be downloaded from their website Cost associated with cell phone transmission ~72% points

13 Televilt GPS Collar Issues
Lower than expected battery life Incorrect points Unscheduled data collection Poor customer service (sales representative no longer supports Televilt collars)

14 Mountain Lions in the Santa Monica Mountains
On a positive note though, when the collars do work, they work really well. We have gathered a lot of amazing data in our study…

15 Home Range

16 Habitat Connectivity

17 Habitat Connectivity

18 Habitat Connectivity

19 Movement

20 Food Habits 94% of their diet consists of mule deer

21 Reproduction

22 Reproduction

23 Reproduction

24 Mortality

25 Concluding Remarks Despite the cost and other problems, GPS collars has given us ALOT of valuable data. Looking into deployment on bobcats in remote areas of the park. Also, looking into using satellite GPS collars. Thanks!

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