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The French in Illinois Illinois History.

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Presentation on theme: "The French in Illinois Illinois History."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French in Illinois Illinois History

2 Paradis Terreste Conflicts with Fox Indians push French settlement south The American Bottom Kaskaskia {1703} Commerce & Cultural Center Fort de Chartres Administrative Center

3 Lifestyle Farming Fur trading
Shortage of women leads to intermarriage of Frenchmen and Indian women Close knit villages Altruistic

4 “Long Lot” Farming

5 Isolation Only a few thousand Frenchmen
Most in the American Bottom Village assemblies were the law Distinct from France and Canada

6 Who. Scottish economist Where. Moved to the American Bottom When
Who? Scottish economist Where? Moved to the American Bottom When? (in) 1717 What? To take control of the economic development of French settlements Why is he significant? Law’s plan fails, ultimately having to relinquish control of the Illinois country to the crown, where it will remain for the duration of French Illinois. John Law

7 Phillipe Renault Director of mines
First to introduce African slavery to the Illinois country (1720) 500 slaves from Santa Domingo Sells them to neighboring families

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