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Into to Microscopes 8th Grade Science 2015/2016.

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1 Into to Microscopes 8th Grade Science 2015/2016


3 Eyepiece The lens the viewer looks through to see the specimen. The eyepiece contains a 10X power lens.




7 Fine & Course Adjustment
Coarse adjustment: Brings the specimen into general focus. Fine adjustment: Fine tunes the focus and increases the detail of the specimen.



10 Microscope is held by the ARM and BASE ONLY.


12 Light Source Older microscopes used mirrors to reflect light from an external source up through the bottom of the stage; however, most microscopes now use a low-voltage bulb.


14 Diaphragm Gathers and focuses light onto the specimen being viewed.


16 Stage The flat platform where the slide is placed. MAKE SURE STAGE IS ALL THE WAY DOWN WHEN PUTTING SLIDE ON


18 Stage Clips Hold the Slide in Place. Must be secure before you can view specimen


20 Objective Power Lenses
A rotating turret that houses the objective lenses. The viewer spins the nosepiece to select different objective lenses. Lenses range in power from 10x, 40x, and 100x


22 Analysis Questions: Is it possible that microbes exist that are smaller than those you observed? Explain how you might try to collect evidence to prove or disprove your idea. Develop three rules you will use the next time you do microscopy drawings As a scientist you are asked to describe two of the microbes that you saw to someone who has never looked through a microscope. Write a short paragraph describing the microbes you observed. Imagine that you are a researcher studying microbes. Would you choose to study a disease-causing microbe or one that does not cause disease? Explain.

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