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Cards 6-9 EXODUS MEANS EXODUS MEANS GOING OUT The family of Jacob (Israel) grew to include about 70 of his direct descendant, this tribe of Hebrews grew to be a small nation and the Pharaoh (the title or name of the king of Egypt) made them serve as slaves. The book of Exodus (literally, a going out) tells about how finally, after 400 years, God used the prophet Moses to free the people of Israel from slavery and lead them eventually to settle again in Palestine (Canaan). The price for freedom was high, but the Egyptians were the ones who had to pay. God punished them with a series of ten plagues, demanding with each one that his chosen people be set free. But following each disaster, the king stubbornly refused to free them. The final plague, however, brought about the death of the firstborn sons of all the families of Egypt, including the Pharaoh’s son. This caused the king finally to agree to let the Israelites go free.
EXODUS MEANS A. Coming In B. Staying In C. Going Out (Exit)
How many direct descendant did the family of Jacob grow to? What did the King of Egypt make the people do? What prophet did God use to free the people of Israel from slavery? Where did Moses lead them? What plague finally caused Pharaoh to let the Israelites go free?
EVIL KING IN EXODUS The children of Israel were fruitful. They increased greatly in number and prospered, and the land of Egypt became filled with them. But there arose a new king Pharaoh, over Egypt who did not know Joseph and the great work he had done. This new Pharaoh said to his people: “The children of Israel are more and mightier than we are. Let us deal wisely with them. For, if they continue growing in numbers they may join our enemies and fight against us in time of war and go away from our land. Therefore the Egyptians set taskmasters over the children of Israel and forced them to work for them. But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites grew in strength and increased in number. So the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, saying: “When a Hebrew woman gives birth and you see that it is a son, then you shall kill him.” But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them. God was pleased with the midwives and dealt well with them. And the people continued to increase and grow stronger. So Pharaoh commanded his people to cast all the baby boys into the river. But we know the story of how God saved Moses and one day when Moses was grown up, he was used by God to save his people. Together Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “The Lord God of Israel says “Let my people go”. But Pharaoh refused to let them go and ordered the slave-drivers and foremen, to stop giving the Israelites straw to make bricks. Make them find the straw themselves—but they must still make the same number of bricks. (continued on next slide)
EVIL KING IN EXODUS The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh will ask you to prove your power. He will ask you to do a miracle. Tell Aaron to throw his walking stick on the ground. While Pharaoh is watching, the stick will become a snake. So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and obeyed the Lord. Aaron threw his walking stick down. While Pharaoh and his officers watched, the stick became a snake. So Pharaoh called for his wise men and magicians. These men used their magic, and they were able to do the same thing as Aaron. They threw their walking stick on the ground, and their stick became snakes. But then Aaron’s walking stick ate theirs. Pharaoh still refused to let the people go, just as the Lord had said. Pharaoh refused to listen to Moses and Aaron. At another time Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, “This time I have sinned. The Lord is right, and I and my people are wrong. The hail and thunder from God are too much! Ask God to stop the storm and I will let you go. You don’t have to stay here.” But after Moses lifted his hands in prayer to the Lord, and the thunder and hail stopped, Pharaoh became stubborn again and refused to let the Israelites go free.
EVIL KING IN EXODUS A. David B. Solomon C. Pharaoh
What did the taskmasters make the children of Israel do? When a Hebrew woman gave birth what did Pharaoh tell the midwives to do? Did the midwives do as he said? Was God pleased with them? How did God save Moses from drowning in the river? When Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh what miracle did Aaron do with his walking stick? Did Pharaoh let the people go then? What other plague did God send down from the sky? From the first slide tell again what plague made Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go?
EXODUS CHAPER 20 God’s rescue of the people of Israel and His agreement with them at Mount Sinai set this nation apart from all others. This agreement contained promises and laws for the people of Israel. A part of this agreement, known as the Ten Commandments, was written by God on two stone tablets and given to the people. These commands contain the basic principles for the kind of life God wanted the people of Israel to live, including their duty to God, family, and others. The Ten Commandments and the rest of the rules and teachings given at Mount Sinai became known as “the Law of Moses” or simply “the law.” Many times these terms are used to refer to the first five books of the Scriptures and often to the entire Old Testament.
EXODUS CHAPTER 20 A. Birth of Moses B. Ten Commandments C. Plagues
What mount did Moses receive the commandments? These agreement or laws were written by who? What did He write them on? These commands contain basic principles for the kind law God wanted the people of Israel to live? True or False These commands did not included the duty to God, family, and others? True or False These commands are still good today? True or False
MAIN EVENTS IN EXODUS MOSES’ BIRTH: Moses was the son of Amram and Jochebed, and the brother of Aaron and Miriam. His dates were probably about BC. Amram and Jochebed were descendants of Levi, one of the children of Jacob, who had entered Egypt at the request of the Pharaoh whom Joseph served. Centuries passes and “there arose a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph.” This ruler, fearing that the now numerous Hebrews might start an uprising, issued an order to slay all infant males born to the Hebrews. To save the life of her infant son, Jochebed placed him in a little basket made of bulrushes, and pitch. She left the basket among the reeds at the spot where Pharaoh’s daughter was accustomed to bathe. When this princess found the child, she had compassion on him and, after the child was weaned, she adopted him and named him Moses. Burning Bush: We know nothing of Moses’ life in the Egyptian court. At the age of forty he fled from Egypt after having slain an Egyptian who was a taskmaster over the Israelites. He came to the land of Midian where he met his wife Ziporah and become a shepherd under her father, Jethro. While tending his sheep one day in the region of Mt. Sinai, the Lord spoke to him from the midst of a burning bush, commissioning him to deliver his people from Egyptian bondage.
MAIN EVENTS IN EXODUS TEN PLAGUES: Although skeptical of his ability to fulfill this task, he returned to Egypt and, with the aid of his brother Aaron and the ten plagues, led the children of Israel out of captivity. God told Moses to tell the Israelites that I will rescue them from their slavery. Then God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and to warn him that if he did not let the Israelites go, terrible things would happen in Egypt. But Pharaoh refused to listen to Moses and Aaron. Then God told Moses to turn the river to blood ---Pharaoh paid no attention. Then God said to Moses, “Tell Aaron to hold his stick out over the water, and frogs will come up and cover the land of Egypt”. Pharaoh would still not let the people go. Then God sent a plague of gnats, then a swarm of flies. Next there came a plague of cattle disease which killed the animals of the Egyptians, but not those of the Israelites—and still Pharaoh remained obstinate. Then came a plague of boils, on both people and animals. Then God sent a heavy hailstorm with thunder and lightning far worse than Egypt had ever known; but in Goshen there was no storm at all. Pharaoh was frightened and said to Moses, “I have sinned. Your God is right and I am wrong. We have had enough hail and thunder. I will let your people go. Moses went out and prayed to God, and the storm ceased. As soon as Pharaoh saw it, he became his old stubborn self again and refused to let the Israelites go. Then God sent a cloud of locusts, the ground was black with them. Yet again when Moses prayed to God and He caused a strong east wind to blow them away, Pharaoh, having failed to learn his lesson, did not let the Israelites go. Then God sent a great darkness over Egypt for three days, so then the Egyptians could not see one another. Pharaoh had suffered nine plagues and yet had not learned to obey God. God told Moses that He would send one final punishment to the Egyptians—the death of the first born.
MAIN EVENTS IN EXODUS Crossing Red Sea: After the Israelite slaves were set free and were leaving Egypt, the Pharaoh changed his mind again. He sent his army to catch them and bring them back, but God saved his people. He divided the Red Sea, making a path through it to lead them to freedom on the other side. Then he released the waters to destroy the arm of Egyptians that was following them. After Moses led the people in a song of praise to God for his protection and kindness, he led them on a long and difficult journey. Giving of law: Finally, they came to a mountain in the desert of Sinai on the Arabian Peninsula, where God made a special agreement with his people. While Moses was on the mountain, God gave him the laws by which the Israelites were to live. Among these laws were those which are known as the Ten Commandments, which were written on two tablets of stone by God Himself.
MAIN EVENTS IN EXODUS A. Moses’ Birth B. Burning Bush C. Ten Plagues
D. Crossing Red Sea E. Giving of Law (Ten Commandments) F. All the above Can you name an event without looking? Can you name the 10 Plagues? Can you name the 10 Commandments?
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