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You Said We Did-NHS Feedback

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1 You Said We Did-NHS Feedback
Your local NHS held events in September 2016 and would like to share the results of these events with you. Why not come along, listen to updates and have the opportunity to have your say on future services. As commissioners (Mansfield and Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Groups), we plan and buy health care services for our local populations. We have a legal duty to live within our means and are asking for your help again with planning for 2017/18 Day Date Time Venue Address Wed 5th April 6-8pm Skegby Anchor Centre Skegby Methodist Church, 153 Mansfield Road, Skegby, Nottinghamshire, NG17 3DX Thur 6th April 10-12pm Mansfield Library Mansfield Library Mansfield Four Seasons Shopping Centre, West Gate, Mansfield NG18 1NH Tue 11th April Holy Trinity Newark The Presbytery, Boundary Rd, Newark NG24 4AU 13th April Life Spring Centre Ollerton Life Spring Centre, Sherwood Drive, New Ollerton NG22 9PP If you wish to attend please complete and detach the slip below, give us a call or drop us an Date…………………………….Time…………………………………Number of people attending …... Your contact details…………………………… Any special requirements……………………………………..…………………………………………………….. No need to book, it just helps with organising Please return this form to Engagement, FREEPOST RTGE-CRAT-BABH, NHS Mansfield & Ashfield CCG, Hawthorn House, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0HJ or just call and leave a message or

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