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Knowledge & Understanding of the world

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1 Knowledge & Understanding of the world
History Ancient Civilisations are the focus for the whole term in our Topic lessons. This first half term, the children will be finding out about four ancient civilisations and using their research to create a zig-zag information booklet. The civilisations we are studying are: The Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; The Shang Dynasty; Ancient Egyptians. They will be looking at where they were, what they had in common and their greatest achievements . The second half of the term will then focus on Ancient Egyptians in detail. Any additional research at home would really help too. The World of Words English Across this half term in Literacy, we will be looking at Beat the Monster stories and persuasive writing, using adverts. Our story will focus on ‘Traction Man’, which links in with our computing sessions that are focussing on creating an electronic comic book. Any reading or sharing of texts at home are always going to benefit their learning. Mathematical world In maths we will be covering the following areas: Place value – read, write and order numbers up to 1000 inc. problems involving digits in the number fractions – recognising ½ and 2/4 being the same; understanding difference between unit/non-unit fractions; adding fractions with the same denominator (bottom number); ordering fractions To continue to develop addition and subtraction skills using formal written methods – linking it to measures To continue to develop multiplying and dividing by 2,3,4,5,8,10 using formal written methods – linking it to measures To count forwards and backwards in 4s, 8s Continue to be able to double numbers to 50 and halve even numbers to 100. D and T In D and T this half term, we will be focussing on levers and linkages. The children will be using our history work to focus on how a ‘shaduf’ works and making their own. Year 3 Knowledge & Understanding of the world Science Our focus for this half term is on forces and in particular, how things move on different surfaces. Children will be planning an investigation to test the effects different materials have on how an object moves. We will then be moving onto looking at magnets The Physical World During our outdoor PE sessions this half term, we will be developing our skills through invasion games. We will be working with Mrs Bratherton on attacking/defensive skills in a variety of games. Our indoor PE will be focussing Health Related Fitness. Children will learn about how exercise affects their bodies and PSHE In PSHE, we will be continuing to develop our use of Circle Time to develop children’s ability top share their thoughts and feelings. We will also be looking at families and how they are different and showing our gratitude with our attitude of gratitude display. Computing During our Computing lessons, we will be creating our own comic books in book creator. The children will be asked to bring in miniature figures, later in the term, so they can include the characters in their book.

2 Thorn Grove Primary School
Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Happy New Year to you all. May I take this chance to say thank you for my lovely cards and gifts at Christmas. They weren’t expected but were very much appreciated. Mrs McEvoy, Miss brown and Mrs Rimmer have also asked me to thank you for her Christmas gifts too. PE will be on Tuesdays (outdoor) and Fridays (indoor) this term. May I remind you that the children need a black, grey or navy tracksuit for Tuesdays please because the weather is pretty cold and those children with just shorts and a T-shirt will be dithering, during their PE sessions. Homework and spelling tests will still be on Mondays and x table tests on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please continue to use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to encourage rapid recall of facts. Hit the Button is also another good online resource to use. MyMaths homework will be set every week from next week. 1 revision task and 1 current task for the children to complete. Thank you for your continued support, Kind regards, Miss Beale Year 3 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School

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